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I sent the hat and bootie set to the customer today and managed to remember to take a photo of it to post on here. Hopefully this is what they had in mind. I was told they wanted it pink and lavender coloured. I wasnt sure if it meant the colours mixed together like this or solid colours put together. I just thought doing it this way would make it have pink and lavender all over and it would look pretty.
These are the black mittens that I made for Joe's Grandma. She hasnt picked them up yet so I dont know if she likes them. It is very hard to photograph black things and see the detail so I apologize for the bad shot hehe.
Now that I have those orders out of the way I can concentrate on the knitting gifts I want to work on. I am half way through knitting the funky fluffy scarf for Victoria's teacher. I like how the colours look. I think I will have to make one for myself hehe. The yarn only cost $2 in total so I think its a bargain. Tomorrow we are finally going to start our Christmas shopping. We dont usually start this late but Joe has been working hours and hours of overtime to have money for bills and presents. Hopefully next week he will be able to slow down a bit because the boy is pooped. It will be nice to feel like we are getting somewhere with present buying. Last year we decided that it would be a good idea to buy the girls presents first and then do everyone after, that way we knew that the most important people on the list definitely had their Christmas wishes fulfilled. It seemed to work really well so we are going to do it this year. They have really easy wish lists this year. Nothing that is really expensive or hard to find. Megan did put down a Nintendo Wii but we already told her that they are hard to find this Christmas and if she got that then she couldnt get anything else. She doesnt care if she gets one for Christmas or not because she knows that eventually we are getting one. All Victoria cares about is if she gets Hungry Hungry Hippos or not hehehe.
Yesterday I started making all the calls inviting all the family to our house for Christmas Eve. So far everyone I asked has said yes. I was very surprised. I still have a few more people to call and then we just have to find out what dish they are bringing. It feels kind of organized. Its a strange feeling hehe.
Well I better get going. Lots of stuff to do and not much time tonight left to do it in.
A thousand times I have thought to write on her and havent. Perhaps its all this chilly weather we have been having that makes me want to curl up in a snuggly blanket and not do much. We keep getting weather advisories for bad weather coming but it never gets as bad as they say. One day they will get it right.
Let's see what have I been up to. I think the last time I wrote on her it was close to Thanksgiving. What can you say about Thanksgiving. The food was yummy. I can say that. Joe's dad was very erratic in his moods. One minute he was being all sweet and nice and the next minute he was screaming at children. When we ate dinner he turned the tv off and wouldnt allow any music so we were all sitting there in silence. It was really weird. You could just hear everyones cutlery and chewing. Lindsay, James, Joe and I were trying not to laugh at the end of our table. This was the first Thanksgiving without Joe's mum around so a big difference this year was that before we had even left he was putting on his shoes and getting ready to go visit his girlfriend or one of his girlfriends. We took the hint and went home. We are definitely going to have the family over to our house for Christmas. We dont want to go through that again. Oh one thing was good. I made some of my mums butterscotch popcorn to bring over and everyone loves it. They couldnt get enough. James said I can give him a bucket of that for Christmas and he would be happy.
Knitting wise I have been working on a couple of orders that I got. Yesterday I finished up the mittens for Joe's Grandma. I hope she really likes them. Its pretty chilly so I think she will be over to pick them up pretty soon hehe. I also got an order from the knitted things that I have on Louella's Goodies website. Its just for a baby hat and matching booties but its still an order. The booties are made and Im almost done with the hat. The hat is taking me longer than usual because I am using teeny tiny size 2 double pointed needles to knit them. Once those are done I have Christmas present knitting to do and try to get a bear made for the yarn shop. I am making Victoria's teacher a scarf and giving her the first felted tote I made. Im thinking about putting an apple on it but I dont know if thats too cliche. She is kind of young. Maybe I will put an M on it because her first name starts with an M. I want to knit Victoria's bus driver some fingerless mittens so she can keep her hands warm while driving in this cold weather. I am thinking as well as the fleece blankets that I am making the girls, I am going to make them some socks. Victoria just loves her pink socks that I knit her and I think Megan would love another pair to wear to bed. I was also thinking of making Lindsay a scarf in the extremely soft light blue yarn that Walmart is trying to get rid of. If they have 2 balls of it left in that colour when we go shopping then Im going to make it for her. That girl is always cold. One day I would like to make her a big fuzzy blanket because she needs one hehe.
We are almost done with our Christmas decorating. For those of you who dont know, my husband is Christmas Crazy!! We call him Christmas Elf Joe. He has more Christmas CDs than anyone I have ever known and when we decorate we dont just put up a tree. Its an all out effort but it looks pretty in the end. There are lights all around the celing, things on the walls and shelves and since we moved to our new house, lights outside as well. I will have to take pictures once the extravaganza is completed. Every year Joe and I take turns on picking the lights and tinsel that go on the tree and the lights around the room. This year was my turn. I chose to have clear lights and very sparkly gold tinsel on the tree, multi coloured lights with sparkly white tinsel around the loungeroom and the red/green lights with silver tinsel in the dining room. Its all very shiny. Christmas is always fun with Joe around. He makes you want to be in the Christmas spirit.
Well I guess I better get going. I have some aprons I am suppose to be cutting out right now for the Girl Scout Troop. I promise the next post will have pictures and be written within this week.
I hope everyone is getting into the Christmas craziness like we are.
This week I got a bit of knitting done.
I made some red and black fingerless mittens for my knitting friend. For some reason the strips didnt match up as well as the other ones I made but it didnt look too bad. I also sent her 2 sets of stitchmarkers that I made. I just got a message from her that she received and loves her present so thats a good thing.
I have been working on my mother in laws blanket whenever it takes my fancy and its growing pretty nicely. I think this week I am going to lay it out and try and figure out how long I actually want it to be so Im not just crocheting without a clue when I am stopping hehehe. I think it will be big enough to put on a bed so I will have to figure out how long it should be from that.
I finally got Victoria's pink and purple mittens made. She loves them. On Friday morning when she got up she got to try them on with the purple fluffy cuff attached and all done. She didnt want to take them off and even ate her cereal while wearing them. That was funny to watch. She did have to take them off to drink the milk in the bowl otherwise she would be wearing it hehe. She likes that when she claps it doesnt make a loud sound. She wants to be able to put them on herself so I have realized that I am going to have to embroider a little L and R inside each mitten so she can know which goes on which hand. It will also help her learn her left and rights. I am now working on a matching hat. The pattern that I am using seemed a little small for her head so I am trying to knit it bigger adjusting the pattern myself. Im hoping I have adjusted it right otherwise I will have to unravel it and start again. Two things I learned making these mittens even though I have made them before is, its a good idea to measure the persons hand before starting and Victoria has really long fingers just like her mummy. Once I am finished with Victoria's matching hat I will post a picture of the set. I think I will end up making another set for her because the cuff turned out not as long as I want because silly me just went by the pattern.
Once I am done with Victoria's set I have to get started on a pair of mittens using the same pattern. These mittens are for Joe's Grandma as requested in black. She wants a pair to use while brushing snow off the car and stuff. She really liked the ones I made for myself. I have the main yarn. I just need to get the fluffy yarn. Every time I go to get some they dont have what I am looking for. Hopefully next weekend I will find what I am looking for. I have also figured out while knitting Victoria's mittens that I can knit this pattern on double pointed needles instead of two needles like the pattern asks. This is excellent because it eliminates the chunky seam that you get with two needles. I may have to make myself another pair after discovering this. There's going to be mittens all over the place hehe.
I still havent had a chance to start the knitted bears but they arent far from my mind. My goal is to have at least one made to give to knitting shop before Christmas. Fingers crossed it will happen.
Megan had her first basketball game on Friday. It was fun to watch. We did learn a big thing by watching this game. Megan needed new sneakers to play basketball in. She was wearing some that she borrowed from a friend and it was like watching Basketball On Ice. She was sliding all over the place. She was playing really well but the sliding was making it hard. She did score a basket though. That was exciting. She has another game tomorrow afternoon and yesterday we went out and found a really good pair of Reeboks on sale for $30 that even have bright orange all over them. She will notice a big difference when she plays tomorrow. I think her coach will be surprised at the difference as well. Much better.
Megan had a good week last week it seems. She won a competition for a short story she wrote for one of her classes. She got tons of prizes. I cant wait to read the whole story. I have only seen the first couple of paragraphs. She also got her report card. Normally when she starts a new year the first quarter is an adjustment period. She still gets honour roll but she struggles. Apart from getting more work, her scores dont suggest any struggling this year. Her average is 96.88. Her two lowest scores are 93 and apart from maths, all her other scores are 99. Maths being 100. She said she would have got 101 for maths but they wouldnt let her teacher put higher than 100 hehe. Oh that Meggy. Always the super student. Cant complain about that.
This week is Thanksgiving. It should be an interesting one. I think I will leave that subject at that until we make it through the day hehehe.
These are the fingerless mittens that I made for Megan's friend in red and black as requested. I hope I matched up the striping pretty closely. When using the self striping yarn you have to make sure you try and start at the same place in the striping as you did the first mitten otherwise it wouldnt look like they went together. I discovered that when I started and crossed my fingers it would look close at the end. What do you think?
I finally got a ball of that Vanna's Choice yarn last week. I love the colour. Im not sure what Im going to make with it yet. If I like how it turns out I will definitely buy more of it. I have been wanting to make a flap hat for this winter especially for shovelling. This colour would go with everything and the yarn is really soft so I think I might do that.
For the past 4 days I have been madly painting Victoria's room to try and get it finished. Tomorrow I have to second coat the base boards on the purple walls so that I can at least put all her things in her room, which are currently scattered around our house. I figure this way I will be able to do the window, closet door and touch ups even with her room back to normal. We have Megan's Girl Scout Troop coming over tomorrow night so I dont really want all this stuff lying around with all these girls here. This is why I have been in a painting frenzy. I am kind of getting sick of painting non stop and Victoria is sick of me painting non stop and hardly playing but it will be worth it when its all done.
This will be a sad little no photo post today because I havent had a chance to load any photos Ive taken this week onto the computer. Next time there will be photos to scope out, I promise.
Joe's dad brought over his mum's yarn that is left over. There was quite alot in there plus tons of crochet hooks and crochet blanket patterns that she has collected. Amongst these things was a blanket that she had started crocheting. There was about 5 stripes done and then apparently thats when she started to get really sick and couldnt work on it anymore. All the yarn is there to finish the blanket so I have taken it upon myself to finish this last blanket that she was working. I am not a crocheter. I can do enough to use it in knitting projects when needed. The strangest thing happened when I I had decided to do this blanket. I thought there would be no way I could figure out how to crochet the pattern she had chosen and was all prepared to call Joe's Grandma in the morning to ask if she would help me. I sat there looking at this blanket for about 5 minutes at all the stitches and all of a sudden I just knew how to do it. So whenever I have had a spare minute since Sunday night have been working on this blanket. You cant even tell where she left off and I started. Isnt that weird. Joe is a little freaked out that I am working on the last blanket his mum was making and seeing all her crochet stuff in our house. I just feel it in my soul that she wants me to finish this blanket for her. I have been meaning to ask Joe's dad if she meant this blanket to be for someone or if she was just making it. If it was meant for someone I will definitely hand it over to them when its done. If not, we will keep it. It doesnt even feel like its my blanket. I didnt pick the colours, or the pattern and I didnt start it so it just feels like I am helping out to finish someone elses work.
There is enough yarn in the stash that could make another blanket. I think she was planning to use it to make a shades of blue blanket because the colours look like they go together. I have a feeling there is more yarn at their house. This just looks like to piles set aside for 2 different projects. I think she has more yarn sitting around that are leftovers from other projects. Being a knitter I know you always have a big stash of leftovers sitting around somewhere.