Well my big sister left on Sunday to go to the next stop on their trip, New York City. I hope they are having a good time there. It was a crazy month but we had a lot of fun with them there. I gave my sister her present which I had to keep a secret on here so she wouldnt see what it was when she read my blog. Now I can reveal that I made her a summer shawl designed by me. I think it turned out pretty well in the end but Im not in a hurry to block something like that any time soon. That was the first time I had blocked something made of mercerized cotton and this long and it was alot of pinning and re-pinning. It was worth it in the end because it made it look so much better. I was worried that it might be too short but when she put it on the length looked fine.

We have been up to so much since I was last able to blog other than Etsy Favourites. That was all I could seem to manage to fit in so I was proud to even get that accomplished during that time. Now I will have to post about some of our adventures in the next week or so.
I had some exciting knitting stuff happen this past week. I got a custom order that I cant wait to start knitting. I will be knitting Robbie Robot by Danger Crafts in orange and blue. Danger Crafts designed Maddox the Monster so it should be a fun pattern to make.
I also got a message on Etsy from a lady who lives locally to me and invited me to do a craft show that she holds at her house in December. I took a couple days to think about it and decided I would go ahead and do it. I figured what can I lose and it would be great publicity for Knitted For Ewe. Anything left over from the show can go on the shop which is in bad need of some new things. I have a few things that are waiting to be added to the shop I just havent gotten around to do it. I think this will be the week. So if you check back into my shop this week you will see something new. So now I have to sit down and make a game plan for what I want to sell at this show and what I want to make to add to the shop. We are arriving at prime knitted goods selling time. I always seem to start to get busy with knitting around this time. It should be lots of fun. The girls just went back to school so now I will have more time for that sort of thing.
Well I better get back to hanging out with my husband before bed time. Stay tuned for so many more posts and lots of adventures to read about.
1 comment:
Very nice scarf!
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