Monday, October 18, 2010

If Your Wondering

Its been a while since I posted anything. If you were wondering where I am, I am here to say that I am still here.
The past 2 weeks we have been painting and painting our kitchen. The first week I painted all the trim, windows and doors. The second week, last week is the start of the most exciting part. You see we moved into our house 4 years ago. As soon as I saw the kitchen I said I am definitely painting the kitchen cupboards as soon as I can. I took all the doors off which are alot. I think there are 16 doors in all. I promised my grandma in law they would be done by that Christmas and the promise went on every Christmas after that. Hmmm so pretty much since we moved in we have had no kitchen cupboards. There have been many people asking about them over the years and many people wondering if they would ever get done. Well I am here to say that this is being done. It has been a joint project and with much persistence things are getting done. Today we finished doing all the cupboard frames. The next thing is the drawers which there are 7 of them. There are actually 8 drawers but one has already been done. Once the drawers are done then the cupboard doors that have sat dormant for all these year in the laundry. We have all the handles and the hinges just purchased and ready to add.

I will definitely be posting a before and after shot once they are all done because it will be an exciting day. Everything we have been painting is semi gloss white so needless to say I am a bit sick of the sight of white right now hehe but its making everything look bright and clean. I told Megan that that is the secret to a clean house, just paint everything. She said something tells me its easier to just clean.

There has been some knitting going on in between all this painting. I am working on some custom orders that I recently got. They are going pretty well. I also have a few things that I need to take photos of to add to the shop. Where does the time go?

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