Friday, October 22, 2010

Favourite Etsy Shop Friday

Favourite Etsy Shop Feature

Little Batch

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Jen. I am a school librarian by day, mad scientist by night! Seriously, it's on my business cards. My husband and I live in rural Hunterdon County, NJ, surrounded by farms. I love to bake and Joe loves to eat cookies, so we're a perfect match. I also like to spend time in my mean little garden that we built together, with sweet raised beds and a deer fence... it's perfect for growing veggies and herbs that I can use in my soaps. We have a fat little black cat named Lily whose favorite pastime (besides eating) is sleeping.

2. What made you open your shop and why Etsy?
I opened my shop on Etsy in order to have an online presence for my business, which is great for exposure and credibility. I collect vintage Pyrex, and I had stumbled upon Etsy completely by accident one day while researching a cool new piece I had snagged at an estate sale. It was kismet really... I was still too green to have my own standalone website, and there was Etsy.

Jen with her wares at the Hunterdon Harmonizers Fall Craft Fair in Flemington, NJ

3. Do you sell your items anywhere else?
Indeed. I sell the majority of my products in person, actually; home parties (like Tupperware parties but only more laid back), street fairs, craft shows. I've also launched my own website, which will soon include an integrated blog! Feel free to take a look:

4. How did you choose your shop name?
It came to me instantly. Everything I make is done in small, perfect little batches, and every product is botanical-based... herbs, oils, butters, essential oils. There are some non-botanical ingredients (such as goats milk and french clay), but I'd say 98% of my ingredients are plant-based. The "Batch" part is also a shout-out to my love of baking!

What Jen smells like most days: a mixture of the yummy fall scents in her Sweet Autumn Perfume Trio

5. What are your favourite things to do?
That's easy. Spend time with my husband, doing anything. Make soap. Organize anything. Plant new things in my garden. Bake cookies. Walk outside and smell the air. Home improvement DIY.

6. What inspires you?
My loved ones inspire me, as does anything in which I can find beauty and solace.

It's always in her bag: a lil jar of her Head To Toe Salvation Hand and Body Balm... She uses it on her cuticles, elbows, and the backs of her hands

7. Of all your different products which one do you enjoy making the most?
Pumpkin Spice Soap! It's got real pumpkin puree and spices in it... smells awesome when it's cooking up.

8. Which is your most popular item?
Definitely the Cupcake Lip Balm; it really does smell like a vanilla cupcake. I couldn't find a lip-safe fragrance oil that did any justice to a cupcake, so I took several oils and blended my own. It's a fan favorite!

Jen's mom... her craft show partner-in-crime

9. Which handmade possession given to you do you most cherish?
My husband's grandmother knitted lovely blue blankets for us when we moved into our house. We called her Nonni; she was like a grandma to me and a real kindred spirit. At family functions we always sat together and had our own little conversations going! She passed away this spring, and I miss her dearly. So, my Nonni Blanket is my most cherished handmade possession.

10. Name 3 other Etsy shops that you love to visit.
What, No Mints?
Sasha sews these awesome little eco-felt lovelies that I think are just beyond adorable. My What, No Mints? collection is growing. Can't get enough of those birds! And my amoeba pin is definitely a major part of my wardrobe.

New Hope Beading
I bought Caroline's fine silver and gemstone leaf necklace as a gift for my best friend... and am having a hard time parting with it!

Tracey Gurley Bath And Body
Tracey is a great friend and colleague. Her shop is full of natural, handmade soaps, bath, and body products from mother nature to you. Like myself, Tracey uses no pre-made bases. We frequently like to bounce ideas of each other, or help each other out when developing new products. There's no rivalry --- just mutual admiration and respect. And that's nice.

One of Jen's favorite soaps, looking chic: Morning Joe coffee soap

A big thank you to Little Batch for being my favourite Etsy shop feature for this week, a great interview. I am a big fan of natural bath and body products. The scents that you find in Little Batch seem like there would be something for everyone. I havent purchased from this shop yet but looking at everything I think I will have a hard time deciding what to get first. If you love great smells, natural products and are looking for a gift for yourself or a friend then this would be a great shop to visit.


  1. I have some soap and lip balms from Little Batch and they are amazing...

    the lip balms... I want every flavor!

  2. I have attended craft shows with Jen a couple of times now and she is so much fun to be with :)

    Her soaps lather like crazy, her lip balms are amazing (even my boyfriend uses them) and I just can't get enough of her stuff (I swear I buy at least 3 things for myself every time I see her)!

    Congrats on a great interview!!

  3. I enjoy our friendship Jen and I really admire you and your creativity, work ethic, and your dedication to making wonderful products. :)

  4. Thank you Nicole for such a great opportunity and of course, the flattery! I'm eating it up. :)
    I'm glad to have been able to give shout-outs to some fellow Etsians that I truly admire and whose crafts I truly believe in. I am very lucky to have such talented friends.
