Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oh Autumn How I Love Thee

This past weekend we went to one of my favourite places in the world, Allegany State Park. We try to make the trip at least once a year. We like to go at the beginning of October to see all the pretty leaves. Every time we go we talk about how we should come more often and how much we love it but for some reason it just doesnt happen. Its only a 45 minute drive so I dont know why this happens. But we went on Saturday and it was just as beautiful as always.

It is so peaceful and quiet here. Its like everything just stops. There are many trails that you can take so you could make a whole day of it if you wanted to.

Autumn is my favourite time of the year. I just wish it lasted longer around here. In a couple of weeks we will have some really windy days and all the pretty leaves will be blown away and we will be left with naked trees. I intend to enjoy it all while it lasts.

On this trip we went to the animal museum which Victoria just loves because they have alot of bird specimens that you can see up close. She just loves to bird watch and this is a way she can see them up close and learn their names. We also went to the gift shop where Victoria got a bag of quartz stones, Megan got some chocolate covered pretzels and I got what could be the best lip balm ever especially when it comes with a picture of a moose and its called Moose Lips. We had been smelling these yummy food smells in the building and decided to go upstairs to the restaurant to have a bite to eat. The funny thing about this restaurant is once you order they ask you if you would like some popcorn while you wait. They then bring you a container of buttered popcorn to munch on. Megan thought this was just great. We then took a walk around on a short trail. We should probably bring Victoria up there more often so she could learn the art of being quiet so you might see or hear some animals. She is a yapper but she did try and we did end up seeing some birds and a few critters.

Along the way on our walk the girls came across a ton of crunchy leaves and could not resist getting into a leaf fight. They had so much fun and it was so nice to see them playing and laughing together. On the way back they had to do it all over again. I think they could have stayed there all day if we let them.

This was also the day that we gave Megan her new Ipod Touch for her 16th birthday that we just celebrated last week. This was a present from Grandma, Joe and myself and she had no idea. We bought the Ipod while we were out shopping on this day. I couldnt wait to give it to her any longer so when we got in the car I said Hey Megan here's some of your chocolate covered pretzels, which she had asked me for. I said Hang on I dont want to give you those, I want to give you this instead and gave her the Ipod. It took her a second to figure it out and then she just freaked out. It took her about 2 minutes before she turned to Victoria and said Hey Victoria now that I have this Ipod would you like my old one? So then we had two girls freaking out in the car. You see Victoria has been pretending to have her own real Ipod for a couple of years now. She will tell you she puts songs on it and sometimes she is tired of those songs and removes them and even bops along in the car to her imaginary Ipod. So now she has a real one. She made her list of what she wants on there and we are working on getting some songs put on there. So we have two girls in Ipod heaven here. I dont think I have have seen Megan without hers since she got it. I am glad she likes it so much. I think she will get alot of use out of it.


  1. Love the photos of the leaves with their changing colors.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sounds like the perfect day out.

    Glorious photos.
