Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I've Been Finishing Some Projects

I have been meaning to get online and post a message for ages and just hadnt got around to doing it. I have been trying to finish off projects that have just been sitting around and needing to be finished. Here are a couple.

I finally sat down and added the pink buttons and pink ribbon to the baby set that I knit. Now I just have to get the address that it needs to get sent to. I think I like the little pink touches. Much nicer sometimes than an overly pink set. I hope they like it.

I finished the pink and purple hooded towel blanket. Actually thats not the whole truth, it is all finished except I havent weaved in all the ends. Once I got done knitting it, I needed to put it aside for a little bit before I could weave the ends in. I had grown so sick of the pattern that I didnt want to touch it for a while. I think next week or this weekend I will do the ends just to say its finished.

Here is the close up of the hood that is on it. I wasnt sure how it would look but once I started working in the hood it made sense and came out pretty cute.

I had some of the pink and purple yarn leftover so I made a little baby hat to go with it. It didnt take long and there was just enough leftover to make it.

I also finished knitting and felting the moss bag. I took photos but when I uploaded them on the computer tonight I realized that the felted shot looked really dark and Im going to have to retake it before I can post it. I will try to do it tomorrow. It shrank more than I imagined it would but came out really nice. I was brave and felted it without doing a tester on the yarn to see how much it would felt. I think I would like to buy some more of that yarn and make double to size and see how that looks. This one came out like a little clutch size bag. I knitted and felted a small little purse to go with it today. This stuff felts up wonderfully. Just once through in the washing machine and its all done. I wish they all felted up quickly and nicely like this. All I need to do is buy some matching moss coloured thread because I have some wonderful ribbon that matches it perfectly that I am going to sew around it just to give it some pizazz.

Hmm, what else have I been knitting. Oh yeah, I am knitting my niece a cute little kimono cardigan. Im hoping it comes out alright. I would have had it at the blocking stage today except I ran out of yarn last night. I thought I would have enough but apparently not. I got the back, left side, right side, a sleeve and a couple of inches on the second sleeve done before running out of yarn. It will have to now wait until I can get some more yarn. I have never made this pattern and Im not knitting it in the recommended yarn for the pattern so Im hoping my adjustments are correct and it comes out cute in the end. The colour is bright but I have seen her wearing this colour in photos so I think she can pull it off hehe.

I got another order for an MP3 player cover the other day so I thought I would start that. Its going to be orange. Im thinking I will make it all orange with a white button. This MP3 player is white with bits of orange on it so that could be cute.

I just found out that Lindsey, my hopefully one day sister in law is having her 21st birthday soon and I would love to knit her something. I have to find out the correct date to see how much time I have to create something. I have a pattern for a very nice cardigan that I think would suit her nicely and looks fairly easy. She loves that light turquoisey blue colour that is everywhere these days so I would love to make it in that. So many projects that want to be made hehe.

Well thats about it. I will get another shot of the felted stuff tomorrow and post them.
Oh I just have to say that I am up to nearly page 300 in the 7th Harry Potter book and loving every minute of it.

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