Thursday, August 16, 2007

Felted Stuff As Promised

Here is the moss bag before I felted it. I actually measured it before felting but forgot to write it down thinking I would remember. I think it was 13 inches long.

Here is the moss bag after felting. Looking much better than before. It always makes me unsure that it will look any good when you see it before felting but you just have to keep the faith that when it felts up it looks completely different. Now I just have to buy some green thread to sew the ribbon on it and it will be all pretty. I think it now measures about 6 inches. Its just a cute little thing. I will post pictures of the absolute final product so you can see it all done up. I still have to shave it a little to smooth out some of the fluffiness.

This is the little mini purse that will match it. It is still drying a bit that is why there is stuff inside it to shape it. It will have the ribbon sewn on it as well and maybe a small wooden button for closure. Its just suppose to hold little things in it like lip balm and small things you dont want loose in your bag.

I made this today for an order. It is for Megan's friend Ali's MP3 player. She loves orange just like Megan so this colour is just right for her.

While making this MP3 cover I was in the mood to do some duplicate stitch and thought I would put a white A on the back for Ali to match the white button. I was able to give this to her tonight and she just loved it and thats something because Ali is really picky. It felt good that I got it just right. Megan will probably want one like this now hehe.

Now I have to think what project to work on next. There are some projects that need stuff purchased before I can finish them off so in the mean time I will have to work on something else. I was thinking the other day that I was in the mood for making a monkey. There is a girl from Megan's girl scout troop in my very small knitting group at the library. She is just learning to knit and I thought I might make her a monkey. She told me one day that her favourite colour is sea green and turquoise type colours. I think I might have similar colours that would work for that. That would be a really cute monkey. I will have to see if I have the right stuff.

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