Friday, August 24, 2007

Finshed Some Projects This Week

I started out making this monkey for Emily in my knitting group. Megan saw me making him and asked if this was the monkey I was making for her little brother. I completely forgot she wanted him to have a monkey. I asked her if she wanted it to be for him and she said yes. Luckily I hadnt sewn button eyes on him yet so I attempted to stitch him some eyes so it would be safe for the little one. They didnt come out to badly. I am just loving the colours that he is done in. Its Robin's Egg Blue and Aran Cream. I got out all my Red Heart yarn and started putting colours together. When I put these two together they just clicked. I will have to buy some more of that Robin's Egg blue and make lots of things in it hehe. Megan had lots of fun doing the monkeys hair. I usually start off with it having long hair and then trim it down to the right length. Megan just had to give him all sorts of funky hairstyles in true Megan form before his final trimming.

You always have to have the classic monkey butt shot. All my monkey get their butts photographed. Its become quite the tradition hehe.

I decided I couldnt just send a monkey and nothing else so I knitted a little top knot hat out of cream Unbleached Organic Cotton. So super soft. I still have some more of that stuff left but Im not sure what I could make with what I have left. I think I have to buy more of this because there is a hat pattern that I made with this that came out wonderful and I would like one for myself. Im not sure if I want cream or one of the other colours.

Here are a couple of photos that we got when he was first born. We havent seen any others yet but he sure is cute.

He definitely looks like his dad and has the barely there eyebrows just like his big sister hehehehe.

Today I just started a pair of socks for myself. They are going to be pink with the heel and toe being brown. Its the same old sock pattern that I have done two times before but its easy and I understand it hehe. I have found a few other sock patterns I would like to try but I have to write or print them out before attempting them. Megan will kill me when she finds out these socks are for me because she keeps asking me for socks for herself. She will get some I just need the right sized needles.

This week we got a package from my mum. She sent over some of her famous Butterscotch Popcorn. Oh so yummy. I cant even remember the last time I had some. It was a staple at all our birthday parties and whenever we needed a treat for our class. She has passed on the recipe to me with confidence that I will be able to make it just as well as she did. I know that Megan wants me to now make this popcorn for every single occasion she can think of. This was her first time tasting it and now she cant get enough hehe. Looking at the recipe it seems easy enough. We shall have to see how it goes. It would be great to be able to make that whenever I feel like having some and impress people with my skills hehe.

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