Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Finished Project

I finished the kids cotton blue, green and white cotton blanket the other day. I was so glad to finish it. The colours were starting to drive me batty and so was the pattern. I have now started the pink, purple and white one that is half the size and has a hood on it. Its a suppose to be a hooded towel blanket for a baby. I have a small amount done because I needed to stop and work on something else to break up doing that pattern over again. So today in my knitting group at the library I took the moss bag that actually knits up quite quickly when I get a chance to work on it.

Here is a close up of a corner so you can see a little more detail. It feels soft and very touchable because of the texture. I definitely like knitting with cotton, especially in the summer. I would love to do a knitted toy in the cotton to see how it would turn out.

I took a couple of shots of Megan's pink and orange room. I took them of the semi organized sections. I am determined to finish of the rest of the pink paint on the part wall I have done in the next section of the room. We went to get more pink and they didnt have the white in stock they need to mix it with so the other half of the room will have to wait a little longer. We did get the white for the trim so I could start working on that. I just have to get motivated again. I just really want to get it finished so I can get Victoria's room started. I am hating Victoria's room at the moment because she doesnt have enough storage so there is stuff everywhere. It doesnt matter how much I try to tidy it, it still looks like a mess. I cant wait until Megan gets her dresser so that she can pass her storage tote thingy onto her. It just occured to me today being the first day of August that I dont have long until I wont be able to do any painting because of the cold weather and then I will be kicking myself for not getting what I want to get done. Im not sure if you can see the colour definition on these walls. Perhaps if you click on it you might be able to see it better.

We managed to get our big screen tv hooked up on the weekend. I will have to take some photos to show how big and cool it is. All our movies look really good and sound really cool now. We are rewatching all our old dvds just to check out all the details you miss on a smaller tv.

I finally got to talk to my dad on the weekend. I surprised him and wished him a happy birthday. The significance of this is that I havent been able to talk to my dad in about 4 years. We had quite a long talk and he's still the same whacky dad that he always was hehe. It is very nice to be able to call home and speak to people on a regular basis that I havent talked to in a long time. One person I definitely have to call and havent yet is my friend Kylie. That will be excellent. We use to chat online on a weekly basis but havent really chatted much in the last year and a half. I have no idea why. We just kind of got caught up in our own lives. I will definitely have to fix that.

We had a good time at the fair. Victoria is now officially a fair and ride junkie hehe. It was so cute to see he that excited. She couldnt stop grinning the whole time she was there. We took a bunch of photos so I will have to post a few classic ones to show off hehe.

Well I better go. Tomorrow is summer reading and we are teaching preschoolers about the moon. I have to cut out some cling wrap squares for the binoculars we are going to make. Only one more summer reading day after this one and we have the final ceremony. Yay I wont have to freak out about this anymore hehe. Its been fun but I still feel like I am out of my league on this one hehe.

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