Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tasty Tuesday And Some Random Stuff

So on Fridays I have been featuring some of my favourite Etsy shops. Well I was thinking I'd like to add another little something to this blog. I have been told that I make some pretty good tasty treats so I thought every Tuesday should be Tasty Tuesday. Tuesday isnt usually know for having a whole lot going on so why not pep it up with a yummy recipe every week. So today this will be my first Tasty Tuesday.

Now you may have notice Miss Victoria Rose guzzling down a tasty looking drink in these photos. Anything that makes her do the aaaahhhh face is good hehe. This drink is our first Tasty Tuesday recipe.

I just whipped this up last week and it was an instant hit with Victoria and I. If Megan were here I think she would like it too.
This is my Mango Smoothie.
You take one mango and slice it up. You could use canned mango as well as long as you drain the juice. Place the mango in a zip lock bag and place it in the freezer. We kept ours in there over night but Im sure after about 4 hours you should be ready.
In a blender you put approximately a tablespoon of honey, your frozen mango and 2 cups of milk. We use 1% milk but Im sure any milk will do. I would have added yoghurt if we had it at the time. I bet that would be yummy too. We will have to try that and see. Put the lid on the blender (very important thing to remember) and blend away until all smooth and delicious looking. This is very simple, healthy and oh so tasty. Its comes out pretty thick which makes for hilarious smoothie mustaches.
Try it and let me know what you think.

Here come the other random stuff that was mentioned in the title. The picture above is part of my laundry that I have been painting. I took the photo from this angle because it looks all nice and finished from this spot. It makes me feel like Im getting somewhere. I love the colour which is called Cocoa Rose. My husband on the other hand just keeps saying he wouldnt have picked that colour so I think he pretty much hates it. I guess he's just happy that a room is getting finished. He installed the shelves a couple of weeks ago. I kind of wished they were longer but they didnt have any other that would fit in the spot that I liked. These will work though because I havent even figured out what Im going to put on them yet. I just have the baseboards and the ceiling to go. I think I may have that done by the weekend. That would be exciting. Then comes the organizing part where I get to feel like I finally accomplished something.

This next picture is the present that Megan made for her little brother Liam to take to Tennessee. He just turned 2 and apparently likes Curious George. It started out with Megan wanting to sew him a pillowcase. She found she had alot of material left over after that. On the top right hand corner is the folded up pillowcase that Megan did all by herself. I painted his name on it because she was a little nervous about stuffing that up. With the left over material she made the 3 bean toss things for him to play with. Also made by Meggy. We still had material left over so we brainstormed and she decided to make the bag that is in the top left hand corner. The bag fits the pillowcase and bean bags. I embroidered the L on the bag but she did the rest. I have heard word that he liked his present. The only mishap was he threw the bean bags in the toilet which Megan thought was pretty funny and didnt care because they are washable hehe, little brothers.

Lastly this is the Kimono Cardigan that I knitted to send to my niece a long time ago and it never got sent. She is too big for it now so its going into my Etsy shop. It will probably be listed tomorrow as its getting kind of late.

I hope you enjoy the recipe and the random stuff.

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