Friday, July 17, 2009

Favourite Etsy Shop Friday!!!

Favourite Etsy Shop Feature

Miss Bumbles

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
Well I'm an illustrator by trade, have been for many years and I live and work in London UK. Last year while idly trawling the internet I discovered needle felting my hands just itched to have a go but I was pretty busy at the time so I had to wait until I got some wool and needles for Christmas and then proceeded do nothing else for two whole weeks!

2. What made you decide to open your shop and why Etsy?

I thought Etsy was a great way to reach millions of people, wonderfully eclectic and had zero start up costs!

My husband thought I was just a crazed woman making new things to fill an already stuffed house ( I am a bit of a hoarder)

3. How did you choose your shop name?
I came up with the name in a brain storming session with my sister while sitting in a local greasy spoon cafe.
Miss Bumbles is sort of old fashioned and friendly and reminds me of a kindly hairy legged spinster, which as a girl I thought was to be my future.
I also drew the labels and logo for Miss Bumbles. I had fun doing that.

4. How long have you been crafting/creating?
All my life.

5. What are your other favourite things to do?
I love to paint and grow things, I can't resist rescuing plants from skips. I also enjoy reading and watching movies, going to see Art and daydreaming.

6. What inspires you?

Lots of things, my work room has been de cluttered but for years it was like a grotto full of things that made me laugh or had great colour combinations. I also love folk art and Halloween merchandising, textiles, old package design animals and the sea side.

7. Of all the items you make for your shop, what do you enjoy making the most?
I think possibly the guinea pigs and the squirrels ( its the orange wool ) I enjoy the embroidery its also a way of adding more colour and pattern.

8. What are your most popular items?

Errm well the Guinea pigs do well if wearing a frock, and I made some chicks around Easter; they really flew.

9. What handmade possession do you cherish?
A patchwork quilt my Granny made with lots of old dress fabric from the 50's and 60's and a shaker box my dad made which I keep all my sewing threads in.

10. Name 3 other Etsy shops you love to visit?


British Cream Tea

Mimi Kirchner

I would like to thank Miss Bumbles for taking part in my blog feature. Great name for a shop by the way. I have been a fan for a while now. I got interested in needle felting a couple of years ago but havent been brave enough to try it yet. I would love to use it on my felted bags. I think Miss Bumbles has the best needle felting I have ever seen in all my research into this wonderful craft. The little attentions to detail and her oh so cute characters are just breathtaking. I think my favourites have to be the giraffe and the bunnies. Hopefully after reading this feature you will jump on over to her shop and check it out. She has some beautiful art in her shop as well.


  1. That guinea pig is officially one of my favorite things I've ever seen!

  2. What beautiful detailed feltwork.
