Monday, January 26, 2009

This Could Be A Good Opportunity

Apparently I have to get cracking this week. I just talked to a friend of mine on the phone last night. She has a coffee shop in town that displays art and creations of local people. I had been meaning to go there a hundred times and in the last month I went there twice. I noticed the stuff she had up to sell and asked about displaying my knitted things. She said they display things for a month and people put their names down for each month so they can keep things fressh. She called me up last night to say the guy for February might not be ready in time and I could put some things up this weekend if they find he isnt prepared in time. She will be calling me near the end of the week. I knew that I might get February but wasnt really thinking about how close that is. Now I have to get out of my finishing things off rut and get some items done to give to her just in case. So far I have a hat and some fingerless mittens and thats not enough is it hehe. So that will be my week, I will be the finishing girl.
Oh by the way if you happen to live around this way, you need to stop in at Ryders Cup in Lakewood NY because they have the best coffee and baked yummies EVER!!!!!

Here's hoping this week will be the start of 2009 improving. First I hurt my back and then last week Joe was driving home from work, was going under a bridge and a snow plow was going over the bridge. The snow plow pushed a big, big, big, chunk of ice of the bridge and it smashed the windshield of our pretty new car. That is bad timing and bad luck isnt it. Well apart from being very annoying and very expensive we are just feeling very grateful that Joe is still alive and nothing but the windshield got broken. It got repaired on Friday and looks pretty once again. Needless to say Joe will be very aware of what is going on when going under bridges in winter from now on.

My girls are doing pretty well lately. Megan who never gets sick has a cold which has caused her to lose her voice. She spent the weekend at her friends house which I wasnt sure about because she was sniffly then and came home having to whisper everything. She is off to school today delighting in the fact that because she has to whisper she won't have to do this mini play they have to do in class today. She has apparently employed her friend Maya to be her voice today which should be interesting. You know there was no convincing her to stay home from school.
Victoria has decided that she is sick of it being cold and wants Summer to come. While waiting for the bus today we were talking about all the fun things to do with Summer to keep warm. Just when she was saying she wanted to the bus to come because she didnt want to be outside anymore, it started coming down the street. I didnt have the heart to tell her that the warm weather she is craving is still a while yet to come.

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