Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Little Mouse

Here is the latest thing in my shop. His name is Marcel. Isnt he cute. I hope that someone buys him up quickly before I decide to keep him hehe.

Here is his little tail. Gotta have the butt shot.

Victoria is my little model. She loves to pose with my little guys. She does a good job.

Today is the first time I have really been able to get on the computer. Last week I managed to really hurt my back while shovelling. The next day I could barely walk and was told I look like an old lady by the children. Each day its getting better and better but Im kind of tired of having back pain. I dont know how people deal with it all the time like my husband. I thought it might be kind of nice just having to lay around all day but to tell you the truth I hated it. I felt really lazy and couldnt get anything done. I guess its not as fun as I thought it would be. I will be glad well its all back to normal. I have decided I should go back to doing yoga and tai chi to strengthen my back so that this doesnt happen again.

This past week or so has been so very cold around here. On Friday the high was 4 degrees. Can you imagine that? Thats not even with the wind chill factor. The girls ended up getting a snow day because it was so cold. Its the kind of cold where you can feel your nose hairs freezing when you breath hehe. Needless to stay there was alot of snuggling with blankets, watching movies, playing card games and drinking hot chocolate going on. Hmm I guess it wasnt so bad after all.


  1. Marcel is a lovely little mouse - if it was me I would want to keep him all for myself! :O)

  2. Beautiful knitting. Beautiful little mouse.

  3. Thank you so much for the compliments
