Monday, December 8, 2008

It's Going To Be A Musical Week

Here is a photo of my cable fingerless mittens that I made last week. This is my own design which is kind of exciting. I have only done my own hats and bag designs so far so this was a new venture. They came out just the way I wanted them to on the first try.

This was also just added to my shop. I had never made a cowl before but they looked interesting and easy. I kind of just made up this pattern and hoped it would turn out. I had knit it a couple of different ways before settling on the ribbing stitch and it turned out better than I hoped. It must be ok because Megan wants it. I told her she cant have it but I'll make her one of her own. These are quick projects that dont use alot of yarn, good for stash busting. Im trying to ignore the fact that Im in these photos hehe.

The title of this post states that it will be a musical week and so it will. On Tuesday we get to go to Victoria's first school concert. I can not wait to go to this. She has been singing Rudolph and Jingle Bells in this house for about 4 weeks now. I believe they even have actions which is even better. I am loving the "Ho what fun it His to ride on a one Horse open sleigh" part of Jingle Bells. Make sure when you sign the H you really emphasize it too hehe. The big question will be will she freak out on stage because she really is shy or will she shine because she loves attention and all her friends will be with her too. It will be interesting. The other musical event this week is Megan's chorus and band concert on Thursday. These are always entertaining. I have no idea what songs they are playing because that girl has only practiced one time on her flute at home. Im sure she will do fine because they practice at school and she picks up things really easily. Throw in a couple of Megan's basketball games and some Christmas shopping and you have what my week is looking like hehe.

On the Knitted For Ewe front I have orders for 3 pairs of socks. I have nearly finished the first pair. I am waiting on the colour that they person wants for the second pair and I have to special order the yarn for the third pair. I also have an order for a rainbow monkey for one of Megan's friends. Her mum has asked me to make her one. Megan has decided that she wants to turn it into a ninja monkey so we bought some felt to make ninja accessories. This should be interesting hehe. Ive never made ninja accessories before. Believe it or not we had trouble finding good rainbow yarn. We settled for some cotton yarn that we found that Megan says is close enough. These girls are picky.

Oh I also need to get knitting Victoria's christmas presents. She wants a brown kitty. I dont know why and I know she really wants some new socks because her last pair died after being worn so so much. She was crying because they got a hole, this is how much she loved them hehe.

Well I better get going. Lots of knitting to do.

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