Thursday, December 18, 2008

I Am A Knitting Machine

I have no idea how Im getting it done but its getting done.

I am officially the sock knitting queen. I knitted and shipped off the two pairs of socks for my Knitted For Ewe customer. She got them today and loves them. Yay!
I knitted a pair of sockettes for Megan to take to her sock exchange she had tonight for her basketball team. She picked the colours. Not the colours I would pick, lime green and hunter orange. Apparently everyone wanted them. Go figure.
I am now working on the custom men's sock order that I got through Knitted For Ewe. I thought I might be lucky to post them off on Monday but they are knitting up fast once I got it all set and now I have finished a whole sock and have one to go. I wish I could have these socks because they are made from very soft superwash wool. I may have to treat myself some day. I am hoping to get these socks posted off tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning.

Tomorrow I have to finish off ninja outfit for a monkey. Its half done already so I dont think the rest will take too long. That has to be done by tomorrow afternoon.

I just logged into my shop and discovered that I made 2 sales today. The lady who bought my first lamb just bought the second lamb and the pair of puppet mittens. Two things are so excellent about this, two sales are great and these items are already knitted and ready to be mailed out.

Once all this is done I can concentrate on the girls handmade Christmas gifts. Unfortunately that is looking like more sock knitting hehe. These are just a couple of pairs for Victoria which are quick and easy. See I told you I am the sock knitting queen hehe.

Other than all the knitting going on I have been getting our Christmas Eve party organized. Everyone I called is coming which means our house will be full on Christmas Eve. I'm saving the cleaning preparations until it gets a little closer otherwise I will have to do it all over again. We are buying our big honey glazed ham this weekend which is the most important part.

The girls did very well in the concerts last week. I was very proud especially of Victoria because this was her first ever concert. She did so great. She was up there singing for all to hear and doing all the actions. It was wonderful to see such progress from the super super shy girl that she was. Little by little that girl is getting better at being around people. At home and with certain others she has no problem but most people she use to barely even acknowledge they were there. Its getting better.

Megan has her last basketball game tomorrow. What will she do with herself once basketball ends? I dont know what sport comes next hehe. It would be nice if she took a break for a while. Good luck convincing her of that though hehe.

Well thats all my updates for now. I better go back and get started on that second sock before going to bed.

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