Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Phew! Its Been A While

I guess I've got some catching up to do. I have been busy knitting away just not blogging like I should.

Here is the blanket that went with the two monkey brothers a couple of weeks ago.

I gave the present to the lady at MOPS but I didnt see her opening it. We have MOPS tomorrow so maybe I will find out then. I am currently working on a gift for another lady at MOPS who is having a girl. She already has 2 girls. I am knitting a blanket out of this yarn that has many many colours. They look like lolly colours, almost like you could eat it. Its taking me alot longer than I would like it too. I am almost halfway so I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I think its because its made using baby yarn which isnt very thick so it takes a while to see some progress. I still need one more ball to be able to finish it off anyway. I am also doing something for her girls as big sister presents like the other lady. I was hoping to give it to her tomorrow but I figured out about a week ago that it was going to take longer than I thought so I will have to give it to her on the last meeting in two weeks. I should have it all done by then. Fingers crossed. For her girls I am making bunny pyjama bags like I made for Victoria. They will be in reverse colours like the monkeys were. I actually needed to take a break from doing the never ending baby blanket so I worked on one of the pyjama bags. It is in the sewing up stage so progress is being made. Im hoping maybe people will see some of my knitted stuff at MOPS and say oh thats so cool can I order one. Its meant to be a nice gift for some very cool ladies but also a little advertising. Does that sound bad? It kind of does, doesnt it.

Victoria's teacher is going to have her baby at any time. She is due on June 1st and Victoria came home from school telling me her last day is suppose to be Tuesday next week. This works out fine because I have an early Thank You Teacher present to give her and I am visiting the class on Thursday. They are having their end of year celebration and I was scheduled to visit that day anyway so it works out well. I am giving Victoria's teacher one of those things that you heat up in the microwave made of material that you fill with rice for your aches and pains. I also filled this one with lavendar as well as rice to give you that nice relaxing feeling. This one is big, it could wrap around your shoulders if you wanted it too. I thought it could be something that she can you after having that baby or relieving her stress after running after all those 4 year olds hehe. I also knitted the baby a hat. Its sized for when the baby is a little older. I think it would fit a 3-6 month old. I knitted it from this cotton yarn I got from unravelling a cardigan I bought at Samaritan House because I just loved the colours and feel of the yarn. It was all stripey with about 4 or 5 colours. I have alot more of it. The flower patch matches perfectly with it because it was part of the cardigan that I unravelled.

Here is a photo of Victoria with her buddy. This kitty has not left her side the minute she got it. The day before Mother's Day we took a trip to a mall we havent been to in a long time. They had a Build A Bear Shop there. Victoria was so excited just to walk in the door. She was squeezing my hand she was so excited. Joe decided to let her get something there because its something she has wanted to do for a long time and it was just to cute how excited she was. This is the kitty that she picked out, stuffed, put the heart into and then gave it a bath and brush. She got to pick out one outfit and then we filled out the birth certificate. She named her kitty, FUN. She hugged and kissed that kitty the rest of the day. Not just little ones either, big hugs and kisses and they havent stopped since so it was very worth it I think.

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