Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our Trip To The Zoo

Victoria and I went off on our trip to the zoo yesterday. We had such a great day. She must have had a good time because she would love to go back this weekend. I dont think thats going to happen but we will have to go back again this summer. She is dying for Joe and Megan to be there so she can show them around. In the pictures it may have looked sunny and warm but its very deceiving. There was a very chilly breeze blowing that day and we were pretty cold when you werent in the sun but at least it wasnt raining.

Victoria's biggest thing she wanted to see was the Polar Bears. She kept telling them to go for a swim but they didnt. Today I saw photos that the teacher took and the polar bears were swimming. Apparently we missed it hehe.

Another important thing Victoria wanted to do was ride the train. You get to see extra animals when you ride the train so that was lots of fun. Her favourite part was going through the tunnel which she says was scary but not too scary hehe.

I had to get a picture with her standing with this sign. When we got home and looked at the photos she was very excited to see she is taller than the owl.

Victoria and a giant frog. She was very impressed with his size.

Checking out the Rhinos. Again apparently they were more active when other people saw them. They were pooped out by the time we got to them.

I had to get this shot of these turtles because of Megan's love of turtles. She now wants this picture up on her wall. Victoria says these turtles are playing follow the leader but one guy is going the wrong way. She is so silly

We watched a program last week about orphaned orangutans so I had to get a photo of this little guy. So cute.

We took a whole lot more photos of course so I just picked a few to show. It was definitely a good day. I did feel a little rushed because we only had about 3 hours to see everything before we got back on the bus and I wanted to make sure we saw all the animals. There are these huge great playgrounds there that Victoria was dying to play on but I couldnt let her play on them otherwise I never would have got her off and been able to see everything. We will have to go when we have more time and can pace ourselves.

Knitting wise the very colourful baby blanket is just about finished and one of the bunny pyjama bags is waiting to go to its new home. I am halfway done with the other bunny pyjama bag which is in reverse colours. Its still looking hopeful that I will have everything finished by Wednesday next week. Keep your fingers crossed. I am going to try and get a shot of the finished bunny bag tomorrow to post.

Tomorrow morning we are going to Victoria's last story hour. This will be kind of sad because we have been going to story hour for about 3 years now. When it starts up again Victoria will be at Kindergarten all day so she wont be able to go. We will be able to go if a Friday comes up where they dont have school but this will pretty much be her last one. It will be very weird when story hour starts up again and we wont be there. Perhaps I will have to go and listen to the stories by myself hehe.

Megan is off on another camping trip for Girl Scouts this weekend. She is very excited. It sounds like they will be doing lots of fun things. It seems like her troop is getting smaller and smaller. The girls are getting older and just dont turn up to every meeting and event like they use to. Its kind of sad. I dont know if I could see a time when Megan isnt doing Girl Scouts because she loves doing all the stuff they get to do. Victoria has decided that she wants to join Girl Scouts when she is able to join when the new year starts. That will be so cute.

Megan just got awards at school for being on the Honour Roll, receiving a pin, a certificate and $25. She also got an award for being 2nd in Accelerated Reading points which is where you read books on the list, take tests about them and get points for how well you do on the test. I didnt even realize she was bothering to do those anymore because its not required and alot of books she likes to read arent always on the list but I guess she was seeing how she was second. I think she got a pin, a certificate and funky backpack for that as well. I guess we are going to have to start thinking about what to get her as her end of year reward. Hmm it will have to be good.

Well I better get going and get organized for bed. I hope your having a great week.

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