Monday, January 28, 2008

Some New And Exciting Stuff Just For You

Ive been sitting here playing around with some stuff on my blog tonight trying to figure out how to put links to other blogs on my page. Well in my search I stumbled across this program that you can put on your blog so that put can subscribe to your blog and every time I make and entry it will let you know in an email so you know as soon as something happens. So if you look to your right and scroll down a bit you should see a subscribing box. Try it out and see if it works. Let me know if it works and if it doesnt. If I didnt do it right and you arent receiving your alerts let me know and I will see what I did wrong. I will have to do some more posting this week so we can test out this new little toy.

I also discovered that its very easy to add links to your favourite blogs and I figured it out all by myself. So also on your right just below the new photo of the crazy girls you will see a list of other blogs that I frequently love to check and see what they are up too. Maybe you will find you enjoy reading them too. Its always great to read other knitting blogs and discover that I am not the only one who has this obsession hehe.

On a knitting update, the headless bear now had a face. He just needs and ear and to pull himself together hehe. The green wool jumper is nearly all unraveled as well so things are moving along nicely here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, there-
    Just wanted to stop in and thank you for adding my blog to your sidebar! I looked at the other blogs you added, too, and found some real gems that I ended up adding to my google reader.

    I'll be checking back to see how your cute blue/purple bag turns out!
