Thursday, January 31, 2008

More Unraveling And A Pre-felted Bag

Well I finally finished unraveling the green jumper. I took a long time but I think it will be worth it. I did get alot of wool out of it. There were alot of breakages so there are alot of little balls but when felted it wont even matter. It will just be a hassle weaving in the ends when it comes time. I just have to figure out now the type of bag that I want to make with such a colour.

Here is the knitting bag that I have been working on. It is in its pre-felting stage at the moment. I am hoping to felt it tomorrow because I am anxious to see how its going to look. Once the wool has felted up to my liking I will then have to make the decision to either make it a rounded bag or more of a rectangle shape. This will affect how I shape it while its drying. Hmm should be interesting. I am felting the pink handles and the bag separately and then sewing the handles on. The bag actually looks more teal in person than it does in this shot. I just noticed how blue it looks in this photo.

Tomorrow I need to finish of the mint green bear. He has been waiting all week to be put together and tomorrow will be the day. Poor little guy just wants to be in one piece. He has to be all ready to hopefully be taken to the yarn shop on the weekend.

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