Monday, October 15, 2007

My First Felting Disaster

Today I just finished knitting up the mint green bag that I was planning out all this pretty stuff I was going to to do it. I put it in the washing machine to felt all excited about how it was going to look when it was all done. Well I pulled it out at the end to find that it hadnt felted at all. Thinking maybe it was a slow felting wool I put it back in the machine and started it up again. I decided to get online and look up the brand of wool that I was using to see if it said it was good for felting or not. It says its 100% wool and to hand wash it so I assumed that it was feltable. I found a review page for this wool and all these people had been complaining that it doesnt felt and it wasnt written on the label that it was the type of wool that doesnt felt. I wish I had of read all that before I made it hehe. I know, I know, your suppose to test swatch before you felt but I hate test swatching for felting. It feels like Im wasting precious yarn and whatever it turns out when it comes out is what it is. I had gone out and bought 2 more balls of this stuff to finish up this bag. Oh well, I think I can salvage it all. I stuck the bag in the dryer and I am going to unravel it all and make it into something else. I just found a pattern for the cutest cable stitch bag that I think I am going to modify. Now if I cant unravel it, then I will be annoyed but I think I will be able to. If the cable bag doesnt work out then I will just knit some socks, at least I know they will be washable hehe.

Now here's a bag that I had some success with. This is the Victorian Pink bag that I mentioned before. I just got on Etsy on Friday night and ordered some swarovski crystal butterflies to sew onto it. They are tiny little things but I think they will look cute if I do it right. I am trying to figure out how I want to put my flower design on. I wish I had the tools and more knowledge to needle felt. I think I would needle felt them on for a more solid looking design. My other options are to use wool embroidery thread or cross stitch embroidery thread which is smoother. Im not sure yet. I think Im going to wait until my butterflies get here for inspiration. Didnt this bag turn out so pretty though. Its like the green one but bigger in size.

I also did a little more Etsy shopping on Friday. Its always so hard to choose what to get when I have the chance to buy off Etsy. It takes me forever to decide. Joe always has a good giggle at me when I do. I bought the cutest teddy bear knitting pattern which is coming from England. I asked and the lady doesnt mind if I sell ones that I make so in my head I am planning all sorts of colour combinations and yarn choices for this little guy who's name is Horace. I also bought some silver jumprings for my stitchmarkers and some solid perfume in lavender scent. I use to own some solid perfume a long time ago and loved it. The smell lasted a long time when I wore it. I managed to find some solid perfume made from all natural ingredients and lavender essential oil so it smells like real lavender, not that fake smelling stuff. Real lavender is my favourite smell. Today I checked the mail and to my surprise two of my purchases had already arrived. The jumprings and perfume arrived. The perfume lady also sent me some little handmade soap samples. They smell really good. One is Sandalwood and Vanilla and the other one is Spearmint and Orange. Very good stuff. Its always nice to get extra little things when you order from Etsy.

Last week the girls and I made Halloween cookies. Actually they did most of it. I was just the assistant. I was so nice because they both had alot of fun and didnt argue the whole time. I just stood back and let them do them however they wanted. Joe the cookie monster liked how they turned out too. He says they need to make more of them hehe. The second shot is of Victoria with her cookies. Her photo came out dark but I think if you click on it you might be able to make it out better.

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