Saturday, October 20, 2007

All Sorts Of Topics

I made Victoria a pair of socks this week. I found a pattern for toddler socks and thought she might like a pair. She just loves them, especially because they are the same colour as mine. She doesnt want to take them off when she has them on. I have noticed that when she wears them it makes her wiggle her toes hehe. She also likes the fact that they slide well on the floor. Always a good thing hehe. They didnt take me long to make at all.

This is the pattern I ordered off Etsy last Friday and received yesterday. Isnt he just the cutest. I am going to have to get the supplies I need to make him and make one as soon as I can. I usually try to make the girls something for Christmas and Victoria saw his photo and really liked him so I think she might have to get one. The pattern is a little strangely written but I think I can figure it out. Its not the steps that are confusing its the construction that seems confusing. I think once I have the pieces in front of me it will make more sense. I need to get some fluffy yarn, Im thinking Sensations Angel Hair because its so so soft, some eyes and some pellets to put in his butt, arms and legs. This will be my first time putting pellets in one of my toys. I have to also make the little pouches to put the pellets in so they dont go everywhere. It should be a real learning experience.

We went to Allegany State Park a couple of weeks ago. We usually go there the first Saturday in October because the weather is still nice but the leaves are all changing to pretty colours. I really wanted to take some photos of the leaves so off we went. I always wish we could stay longer when we go. Victoria was dying to go on the paddle boats but we will have to do that another time. We took a bunch of photos. The leaves werent changed as much as usual because it hasnt been as cool as it normally is this time of year. Some photos I cheated and took while we were driving in the car. Most of them came out better than I thought they would hehe. The full tree picture was taken in the car. Can you tell?

My friend Natalie picked up the two cotton blankets and hat that I had made for her a couple of months ago. She was excited to receive them and I was excited to get the money for them hehe. I am thinking that I am going to use part of my money to buy the can of purple paint that I need finish Victoria's room. She will be happy to have her room finished and I will be happy to have finally completed a whole room. Im not sure what I will do with the rest. All the choices and good use it could be put towards.

Oh also yesterday I received my pink swarovski butterflies I had ordered. They are so cute. A little smaller than I pictured but very pretty. I have now discovered that they arent going to go well on my pink bag because they blend in with the colour too much. I am going to hold onto them for another purpose. I have found some other butterflies that I already owned that look much better. I dont know why I didnt check them first. I also got my 8mm closed jumprings for my stitchmarkers. They are great. I couldnt resist trying them out. I made a set of stitchmarkers with them and they work wonderfully. Much better than the way I was doing it before. I think I will be buying more of them. I want to have a few sets made before I take them into the yarn shop. I still have to figure out how I am going to package them. I havent decided the best way yet.

Well thats all I can think of right now. I should be in bed. I woke up with a massive migraine today that lasted until about 3pm. Just in time to finish up tidying up the house for the visitors we had over today. Now I need some sleep to fully recover from today.

1 comment:

  1. Horace is wonderful and so are the leaves. Are you wearing you glasses or do you need your eyes checked. Luv Mum
