Friday, June 15, 2007

The Secret Knitted Present Is Revealed!

Here is a photo of the present I sent my online knitting friend Brenda. When I sent the package I set it up to track and it says that she should have received it by now so its safe to post. I hope she likes these socks. I know she likes red and she is the same shoe size as me so I hope they fit.
Brenda if your out there, let me know if you like your surprise.

Today I felt like making a quick project so I knitted up a lace headband from a pattern I found online. Its all finished, I just have to block it so it will sit nicer. I think I will make a brown one because I wear alot of brown. The one that I made today is a pink one. I think Megan will want one when she sees it. She is off this weekend on a camping trip to Darien Lake which is a big amusement park up near Buffalo. She is going with her Girl Scout Troop so they can have their special ceremony to bridge up to the next level which is Cadets. She has been beside herself with excitement over this trip so I hope all goes well. She is dying to ride on some roller coasters. She is a little thrill seeker.

The rest of the week I have been working on the cable pillow. I am just about finished the one side and then I will have to start the next side.

Thats all I can think of right now. I have to go and fetch Victoria some more food. She is an eating machine hehe.

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