Monday, June 11, 2007

The Purple Sparkly Monkey Wants To Show Off

I was finally able to get a photo of the purple sparkly monkey that I made for my niece last month. I was told that he lives on her bed and she sleeps with it every night so Im glad he's getting some love.

A close up of his face. You cant really see the purple sheen to his eyes but they look pretty cool in person

And now of course you have to have the monkey butt shot. Its very important to get the butt shot hehe.

Here is an Ipod cover I made yesterday for Megan's friend Brittany. She has been nagging me for weeks for me to make her one so I hope she is happy. Of course it ends up being just like Megan's but with the colours flipped around. Those two are twins, its scary sometimes.

Here is the material that I bought to line the pink and brown messenger bag. I have to find some time to sit down and start cutting and sewing to get it all ready to send off to its new owner.

After I finished the Ipod cover yesterday, I started making another cable pillow for the lounge. I still have 3 more to make so I thought I should at least get it started. While knitting it, it feels like its taking forever but actually its not because I am already halfway done on one side and its only been a day. It will be nice to have at least two pillows done because then one lounge will be completed and Victoria and Megan wont have to fight over the one pillow. Apparently its beloved by both of them.

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