Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Yay Some Finished Projects To Show Off!

This first picture is the Ipod cover I made for my daughter Megan. She uses it all the time. It took me about an hour to make from start to finish. I think I will have to make more of them. It was lots of fun.

This is Sagey Goodness. Its all done and ready to be sold. People keep telling me they think its wonderful so thats a good sign. I like how it came out. Its a good tote bag that would fits lots of stuff in it.

This is a close up of the details on this bag. You can see the wooden beads and wooden button better in this shot.

Now this turned out really cute. It is a bunny pyjama bag that I made for Victoria. She just loves bunnies and never really knows where to put her pyjamas so I thought she would have fun putting them inside this little guy. She just loves him or her or whichever one it is hehe. I think I will end up making more of these. Megan wants one for her pyjamas now but she wants a different animal. I will have to see if I can modify it to be a different creature. I dont think it will be too hard to do.

This is a close up of the little guys face. This is what makes it so cute. He is a very sleepy bunny hehe. I just love his floppy ears.

This is the under side of the pyjama bag. This is where it all happens. You open up his tummy and in go the jammies.

I did also manage to finish the purple and white sparkly monkey for my niece Stacy. It was finished about 15 minutes before her party started so that cut it kind of close. I didnt get a chance to take a photo of it because my batteries were dead on my camera this weekend. I will try to get a shot of it sometime when we are over their house. He turned out pretty cute. I loved the purple button eyes that he has.

I hope you enjoyed my finished project update. I am now working on finished the last couple of inches of the cable pillow and making the long awaited handles for the big cream tote. These should be done fairly soon so keep an eye out.


  1. I love that tote! And the p.j. bag is just too cute!! All your other finished objects are real nice too. I've been neglecting my knitting blog...

  2. enjoyed seeing your completed projects. Would love to see the purple monkey! The bunny pj bag is great.

  3. Im so excited to be getting comments and that you like my projects.
    Becca Im going to check out your blog. I cant wait to see what projects you have been up to.
    I will try to get a shot of the purple monkey soon. It now belongs to my niece so it shouldnt be too hard to get it.
