Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Knitting That I Have Been Up To Lately

Lets see what have I been up to lately.....
I finished my Sagey Goodness bag the other day. I havent taken a picture of it yet because I dont know if I need to fiddle around with it some more. I put some beads on it and dont know if I should muck around with them some more. I showed some people that I know the bag today and they just loved it so maybe I will just leave it the way it is.

A couple of weeks ago I made an Ipod cover for my daughters Ipod because she is always worried about the screen getting scratched. It is a very good stash busting project and I think I will be making more of them. She picked a very soft fluffy lime green yarn I had left over from a poncho order. I had just enough to make the cover and then she picked out a bright blue button to close it up. I even left a little hole at the bottom for the headphone jack. It came out pretty good. I will have to get a shot of that.

I am currently working on a bunny pyjama bag for my daughter Victoria who is 3. She loves bunnies and I think she would love to have a bunny to put her pyjamas in. I do need to pick up some pink for the inside of the ears in the same sort of yarn I am using. I am rethinking the yarn I am using. I love how boucle yarn feels but its terrible to knit with when you want a tight knit. Every time I use it I remember how much I dont like it. It is a Bernat Boucle yarn and is very very soft. Its cream coloured and very bunny like. I just realized while knitting it that Lion Brand Jiffy would have been even better. Perhaps I will make it again using that just to see how it turns out. Jiffy is really cheap. Its kind of chunky with some fuzz to it so perfect for a bunny style. They carry lots of cute colours so I am thinking this will be tried. This bunny might not be so bad once its all finished. I have done the main part and now working on the head.

I may have to put down the bunny for a little bit because I just realized that its my nieces birthday this weekend and we dont have anything to give her. We usually forget her birthday so I am thinking this time we should at least give her something. I thought I might whip up a monkey. I think she likes the colour purple because I see her wearing it whenever we see her. I have some fleece so I might make her a little pillow she can tote around to sleepovers and stuff. We will have to see. She might not even like this stuff because she is the type to like bought things but you never know and they cant say we didnt get her anything when we go to her party. I will have to look in my stash to see what I have for monkeys.

Its very sad but I only have about 2 inches on my first cable pillow and I just havent sat down and did it. I even bought a pillow insert to put in it on the weekend. Perhaps there is that fear that it will be crappy when its all put together. I am sure next week I will just jump in and finish the first of four off.

Oh yeah went to charity shop up the road and found no handles to use for my big bag. Looks like I am knitting some handles. I figured this would happen. I searched online for leather handles and the ones I really liked were $21, too rich for my blood. I did manage to get some free material that could come in handy for lining a bag I have in mind so that was good. I also noticed they had some bags of yarn that I really liked. I didnt have the $8 on me to buy the ones I liked but this could be dangerous if they have yarn for sale all the time hehe.

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