Thursday, September 15, 2011

Maddox The Monster

I seem to be on a monster making kick right now. Just listed to my Etsy shop is Maddox The Monster. I have made Maddox before, it was quite a while ago, but this one is alot bigger.

I used a soft and squishy yarn that has many shades of green in it. I love how squeezable his belly is.

Yep there's that butt shot.

The weather has been just right for taking photos outside. The lighting is so much better when you can do that. That will all soon change as you can feel Autumn is coming and soon after that will be all that snow.

Maddox was having way to much fun outside during this photo shoot hehe.

Whenever I do these monsters Victoria always gets a kick out of their belly buttons. That is the first thing she mentions when I show her and then she has to imitate their teeth. Ahhh the fun of monsters.

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