Friday, January 28, 2011

Favourite Etsy Shop Friday

Favourite Etsy Shop Feature

Maisey Handmade

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Karen. I live in a small prairie community in Southern Alberta, Canada with my husband, son, cat, two Chihuahuas, and three rabbits.

I have been a crafty person for as long as I can remember. I fact, I come from a long line of crafters. My Mom
would sew clothes for my Cabbage Patch Dolls and Barbies, my Grandparents always made their own gifts and cards and I even have a set of pillowcases my Great Grandma made from her old flour sacks.

I studied Archaeology and Art in college and university for several years, but was never really satisfied with settling for a “real job” and gave up on my desire to become Indiana Jones. I dreamed of creating in a studio one day but thought it was unrealistic. Now, I’m lucky enough to be able to stay at home and work on my creative endeavors. Every day I spend working away in my studio feels like a guilty pleasure.

2. What made you open your shop and why Etsy?

I was drawn to Etsy because it is such an amazing resource for artists, crafters and buyers. I opened my shop, after a little trepidation, two and a half years ago. I was worried that I would be lost in a sea of such talented, experienced artists, but instead the inspiration and support from the community has allowed me to grow, develop and succeed.

3. Do you sell your items anywhere else?

Right now I just have my Etsy shop and do the occasional local craft sale.

4. How did you choose your shop name?

My shop is named after my 17 year old cat Maisey.

5. What are your favourite things to do?

My crafting really consumes me for the most part. When I’m not making stuff I’m thinking of making stuff. But I also enjoy traveling, knitting (oops that’s a craft too), cooking with my husband, and gardening (very domestic, I know).

6. What inspires you?

Everything. More specifically, I love browsing Japanese craft books and magazines, vintage children’s books, blogs, thrift stores. Special requests from customers have been great in forcing me to go into new directions.

7. Of all the different items in your shop which do you enjoy making the most?

I really enjoy making the stuffed animals because I love to see their little personalities develop as I am creating them.

8. What is your most popular item?

Without question it would have to be the Pocket Hippo - but all the little animals in the Miniature Menagerie seem to find homes rather quickly.

9. Which handmade possession given to you do you cherish?

One of my most loved childhood toys was a black cat my Mom made as a young girl. His head flopped around and his eyes were a little uneven but he had a special personality that made him a favourite.

10. Name 3 other Etsy shops you love to visit.

1. Stitchface – Some wonderful plush toys from Toronto

2. for my darling – Brilliant upcycled wool items from Finland

3. Chat Noir Jewelry – Enchanting pieces from a lovely seller

Thank you to Maisey Handmade for being my featured Etsy shop this week. How can there be so much cuteness in one shop? I think my favourite is the Cuddly Friends section. I just want to give all those little critters a hug. I love their names and little profiles. There is a little something for everyone in this shop and would be great for those times when your looking for a gift that has a little special touch of love in it.

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