Friday, January 7, 2011

Favourite Etsy Shop Friday

Favourite Etsy Shop Feature

Morning Glory Workshop

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a self taught needle felter from Colorado. I happened upon needle felting at a quilt show in 2006 and knew it was the art for me. I am married and am owned by two pugs and one cat. Anything in nature is my passion along with needle felting of course!

2. What made you open your shop and why Etsy?
I love Etsy as it is very user friendly and a nice group of people who buy and sell there.

3. Do you sell your needle felted critters and kits anywhere else?
Yes, I sell my needle felted creations, kits and needle felting classes on eBay also.

4. What are your favourite things to do?
I love gardening, music, again walking in nature, but most of all needle felting.
A day does not go by without my wool and needle in hand.

5. What inspires you?
Great artists that I admire, a beautiful sunrise, soothing music, being with things in nature.

6. Which of your critters do you enjoy making the most?
The mice! No doubt about it.

7. What is the most popular item in your shop?
The mice on eBay and mouse classes on Etsy.

8. If you could learn one new craft what would it be?
I would love to be an expert in knitting.

9. Which handmade possession given to you do you cherish?
Oh I have so many I cherish! I will speak about artist's items on this question. Helen Priem from the Netherlands made me several creations to be pals with my mice. Her owls, crow, squirrel and a wonderful wool doll are sheer perfection. I adore her work and use her creations as props in my eBay auctions to help tell their stories. I would NEVER ever sell one though!

10. Name 3 other Etsy shops you love to visit.
Two Left Hands

Thank you so much to Morning Glory Workshops or otherwise known as barby303 for being my first featured favourite Etsy shop for 2011. This shop is a new discovery for me. So much oooohing and aaahing when I saw her cute critters. I just had to show Victoria because she is a big fan of super cute things. I love the fact that you learn how to make your own critters and there is an opportunity to just buy the critters already made. The pictures just make these little guys come alive. The mice are so cute but I think my favourite are the bunnies. You'll have to hop on over and see them, oh my goodness such cuteness. I love the props that are used in the pictures. She should make a calendar with these pictures? Well enough gushing from me, check this shop out so you can start admiring this wonderful work as well.


  1. Hi Nicole! I think it's really great you featured Barby, she is my all time favourite and I'm so lucky to have some of her critters in my home !
    Thank you Barby for your lovely words on my critters!

  2. Thank you Nicole! I appreciate you featuring my work on your lovely blog and all the wonderful comments you made about my work. =)

    Helen thank you for your kind words about me and my critters. You know your work gives me great happiness and our creatures do make a great team!

    Take care,


  3. Barby is indeed a talented woman! I have been lucky to know her through Etsy and consider her a good friend! Her little creatures are delightful and magical! Thanks for mentioning my shop Barby!

  4. Barby is indeed a talented woman! I have been lucky to know her through Etsy and consider her a good friend! Her little creatures are delightful and magical! Thanks for mentioning my shop Barby!

  5. Hi Nicole! Oh gosh, I just LOVE everything Barby creates!!! There are just no words to describe how adorable her little critters are. My heart melts every time I look at one of her tiny mice, with their precious faces and perfect little outfits, and I adore Barby as much as I adore her mice! She's truly a beautiful person and friend...What a great interview! Thank you for letting me know about it, and Barby, if you see this, thank you for mentioning my shop! Have a lovely week, Nicole! :D Paulette

  6. These are soo stunning. You see so many easy stores selling felted animals but I have not seen any near the quality of these (although I know you mostly sell the classes). What a beautiful store, thank you for featuring it.
