Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Custom Order

Recently I got a request on Etsy to make this monster from the Bride Racing car seat logo. It looked simple enough and I was up for the challenge. I have never made my own toy pattern before. I have made up my own pattern for hats and bags but never a toy. I like to challenge myself in knitting every once in a while because I can learn from it and push myself to try new things. You just never know what you will get out of it. Well challenged I was and pushed myself I did hehe. This monster just about kicked my butt but I kept going because I knew I could do it. 4 weeks of going through alot of grid paper and starting and restarting, using the wrong needles and buying the wrong size needles and all sorts of little silly mistakes, I finally got on the right track and it was coming together. The customer hasnt seen it in person but he has seen pictures and I think he likes it. Take a look at the end result and let me know if you think I got it right. Does it look like this monster in the logo?

He is knitted with cotton yarn and his face is felt that I stitched on.

This is what he looks like on the back. Sorry the pictures arent brighter. The sun wasnt cooperating that day.

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