Friday, September 24, 2010

Favourite Etsy Shop Friday

Favourite Etsy Shop Feature


1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Jillian and I work on my Etsy shop, WeeOnes, full-time. I was formerly a scientist, but after entirely too much schooling and a couple jobs that left me feeling unfulfilled, I made the switch to sculpting and haven't looked back. I'm happily married with two dogs and twin boys on the way! We've lived in the Hawaiian islands for the past 2.5 years and are in the process of making a major move to Maryland.

2. What made you open your shop and why Etsy?

I opened my shop on a whim. I have a deep love of knitting and have enjoyed playing with clay from a young age. Play-doh was probably my favorite thing to play with when I was a kid and I was always making the smallest animals my fingers would allow. If we were assigned a diorama at school, I would make mine in a jewelry box instead of a shoe box. I love tiny things. It was only natural to try to combine my two loves, knitting and sculpting.

As far as I know, when I joined Etsy, the only two options I had for selling online were Etsy and Ebay. Etsy appealed to me because of it's emphasis on handmade goods. To me, Ebay has always seemed like a place people went to get great deals rather than pay for quality hand craftsmanship.

3. Do you sell your items anywhere else?
I have my stitch markers and knitting needles in several brick and mortar stores throughout the US and through sock clubs.

4. What are your favourite things to do?
My favorite things to do are knit, travel, hike, cook, and spend time with my family.

5. What inspires you?

I'm often inspired by things I see in my travels. For example, on a trip to Panama, we spent most of our time seeking out wildlife resulting in the creation of several sets of stitch markers. Also, a great deal of my inspiration comes from my customers.

6. Which is your most popular item?
My classic sheep are probably my most consistent sellers. What knitter doesn't love a sheep? :)

7. If you could learn one new craft what would it be?

I've dabbled in sewing, but plan on getting a lot more familiar with it in the coming months. I love handmade items, and with two boys on the way I have a lot to make!

8. You have alot of knitting accessories in your shop, are you knitter?

Absolutely! I've been an avid knitter for many years. I don't get too much time to knit these days, but always enjoy carving out some time for myself and sitting down with some soft yarn and an exciting new pattern.

9. What handmade possession given to you do you cherish the most?
Since everyone knows I love handmade items so much, I'm lucky to be the recipient of quite a few! My mother-in-law is fabulous at hardanger embroidery. My most cherished handmade possession is a table runner that she made for us and gifted to us on our wedding day.

10. Name 3 other Etsy shops you love to visit.

There are so many to choose from, but three of my favorites are neile, LingGlass, and crankbunny.

Thank you so much to WeeOnes for being my favourite Etsy shop feature this week. If your a knitter or you know someone who knits then you need to check out this shop. There are the cutest stitch markers you've ever seen and in every little image you can think of. There are not only stitch markers but knitting needles with her little characters on them as well. I think I just have to have some of those. This feature is just a little sneak peek, hop on over and check out the rest.

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