Monday, June 21, 2010

My Baby Turned 7 Today!

Its June 21st so that means not only is it the first day of Summer but its my baby's birthday. Victoria Rose is now 7 which she tells me its awesome. Apparently 7 rocks as was mentioned in the song we were making up last night about turning 7 hehe.

Victoria is very much into Pokemon at the moment. She talks about Pokemon every chance she can get. She is a bit off the mark as Pokemon was everywhere about 10 years ago when Megan was into it so its not so easy to find stuff with Pokemon on it. So when she wanted this as her party theme we had to create our own stuff. Megan has a friend who is a really good artist especially when it comes to Anime so I asked her if she would put Pikachu on a cake for me. She loved that idea. Didnt she do a great job? We decided to use chocolate this year for anything black because the black icing on last years cake dyed the children a new colour hehe. The chocolate worked out great and tasted good too, I highly recommend it.

Last year I got all this great cupcake making stuff for my birthday and Victoria is a big fan of cupcakes so we had to make some of those. I did the Poke Balls which are apparently awesome. The red looked just right but again pink fingers and tongues were had all around.

Here is the big crowd around watching Victoria open cards and gifts. Its funny how they get so excited just watching someone open presents and that the birthday girl was so rich every time she opened a card with money in it. Do you remember when $5 seemed like sooooo much money? hehehe

Victoria asked me a couple of weeks ago when I finished the green and blue robot could I please, please, please make her one just like it for her birthday. So in between projects and while she was sleeping I have been making her robot. She really likes him and as soon as she unwrapped him decided to name him Reggie Gegus. She is wacky but she makes me giggle. She also got her very own Star Wars Light Saber which is prompting many action poses and talks of saving the planet hehe. A good time was had by all at the party. It was a hot day and apparently all you need is a playground and lots of water balloons. It kept them amused the whole time. We have learned that its way better to use regular balloons as water balloons as they come out huge, get you wetter and dont pop so easily. The children also like to call them their baby eggs and carry them around. We had a very fun day.

Now today being her actual birthday we will spend the afternoon playing whatever the birthday girl wants and giving her lots of hugs. I cant believe my baby is already 7, where does the time go?

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