Friday, May 28, 2010

Favourite Etsy Shop Friday

Favourite Etsy Shop Feature

Bunny Butt Apothecary

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
Considering the huge number of these little autobiographical blurbs I've had to write about myself in the recent past, I don't seem to be getting any better at them. Hi. My name is Anya. I'm a yoga teacher, a graduate student in South Asian religious traditions, and apparently a small business owner. Along with my partner, Scott, I'm responsible for bringing the wonders of Bunny Butt to the world. I like sushi.

2. What made you open your shop and why Etsy?
I'd been shopping on Etsy since it's nascent stages back in 2005 so it seemed like a natural step to open up a shop there. I'd been experimenting with handmade cosmetics for quite some time (I went through an "all natural" hippie phase back in the day) and, seeing all the great shops on Etsy, I thought, "Hey, I can totally do that!" Quite frankly, Bunny Butt itself was born as a result of my need to do something other than write my undergraduate honors thesis--a creative outlet of sorts--and it was as much a whimsical experiment in marketing technique as it was a genuine business venture. From this perspective, Etsy was the perfect venue since it pretty much guaranteed a certain amount of traffic. Also, handmade stuff rocks.

3. Do you sell your bath and body products anywhere else?
Aside from Etsy, we split our efforts mostly between out own website and seasonal craft shows with a smattering of wholesale on the side.

4. How did you choose your shop name?
Well, we've got bunnies and they've got was a logical progression, really. Basically, in trying to think of a nifty business name and coming up with nothing, I looked down at the fluffy creatures scampering along our floor, threw my hands up in the air and exclaimed, "Geez...we might as well call it, like, Bunny Butt Apothecary or something." And so, Bunny Butt was born.

5. What are your favourite things to do?
When I'm not whipping up smelly concoctions or pouring over my PhD work, I enjoy yoga and a good (non-academic) book.

6. What inspires you?
An innumerable number of things. Sunny days, loud music, the smell of flowers on a warm night, cute fuzzy creatures, good food...the list goes on...

7. What is your most popular item?
The Complexion Zen cream, by far. Along with the soap, this is the stuff I hear miracle stories about...I'm flattered every time!

8. If you could learn one new craft, what would it be?
Pottery, for sure. It might cut down on the ludicrous amounts of money I spend on mugs at every craft show, though not by much.

9. Which handmade possession given to you do you cherish?
Oh, there are so many! I think my current favorite is a little ceramic sculpture by
Pretty Random Objects of a bunny hiding inside an apple.

10. Name 3 other Etsy shops you love to visit.
Population One (I actually made my very first Etsy purchase from her)
Tara Robertson Pottery

Elizabeth Scott Jewelry

A big thank you to Bunny Butt Apothecary for being my feature this week. I know you have been really busy so I appreciate the time you took to do my interview. When you look at this shop how could you not love it. Not only do they have fabulous bath and body products but you get to giggle a little every time you use them for their wonderful little names and slogans. I for one was most interested to hear what their answer would be for how they chose their shop name. Check out this shop and you will fall in love with these quirky and fun handmade soaps and such. It will brighten your day.

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