Friday, April 30, 2010

Favourite Etsy Shop Friday

Favourite Etsy Shop Feature

A Fine Distraction

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Sarah Jones and I live in a pretty suburb of Atlanta. I'm a married mom of two amazing girls, 3 and 9. My family and my Etsy shop are my great passions as well as my occupations. My obsession with beads began about 10 years ago with a project to make a set of wine stem charms for my mom for Christmas. Once I started looking at beads, an addiction was born. I quickly realized I was going to have to figure out a way to support my expensive habit so I started looking for venues where I could sell my creations.

2. What made you open your shop and why Etsy?

I found Etsy by accident. (I was selling on ebay at the time.) I remember that I was searching for something on the web and a link to an Etsy shop popped up. I'm sure most of my evening was eaten up by exploring the site. I was absolutely amazed at the artistry and professionalism. The photography alone was so inspiring. I had to sign up and learn all I could.

3. Do you sell your jewelry anywhere else?
Currently, Etsy is my only home. I sometimes think I would like to expand and then I remind myself how many hours are in a day.

4. How did you choose your shop name?
My shop name was derived from a poem called, "Delight in Disorder" by 17th Century English poet, Robert Herrick. It makes imperfection sound gloriously sexy, so of course, I'm a huge fan.

5. What are your favourite things to do?
I love to create, read, write, learn, build forts with my girls, cook with my husband, and help things grow.

6. What inspires you?

I'm a big nature freak and a fan of noticing the little things. I love looking at fashion and art, but I can't really "do" either. I try to stay aware of trends and might incorporate a color or theme that seems to be hot, but in the end, I do what I love and just try to make beautiful things.

7. Which pieces of jewelry do you enjoy making the most?
The piece of jewelry I enjoy creating the most is the new one. Too much repetition gets me down.

8. What piece of jewelry is your most popular?

The blooming earrings are popular all year. Last fall, I was delighted when my "Little Pumpkin" earrings sold very well. They're a favorite of mine to wear.

9. Which handmade possession given to you do you cherish?
Of course, I have a lot of little handmade treasures from my kids. Besides those, I would have to say the blue and white afghan that my Nana crocheted for me when I went off to college. It was a little piece of home, as lovely and warm as she was in life.

10. Name 3 other Etsy shops you love to visit.

Only 3?? I think I have around 600 shops listed in my favorites right now. Instead of naming three, I'll refer you to my wonderful, unofficial Etsy team, the Daily Sweets. I know much of my success on Etsy has been about seeking and taking some great advice from these ladies, not to mention, the support and humor I know I can always find on our thread in the Team forum on Etsy. You can discover all of their amazing shops here, on the right hand side of the page.

Thank you so much to A Fine Distraction for being my featured Etsy shop this week. I love how her jewelry has a vintage look but with a modern twist. I especially love the colours that are used. Everything just seems to fit. Not only is the jewelry beautiful but the photos of each piece are stunning. As an Etsy shop owner I can tell you that sometimes it is the taking pictures of your products that is the hardest thing to do. These pictures could be used just as photography art. If you like this small glimpse of what is available at A Fine Distraction, then you need to visit this shop and see what else there is, because you will love it all.


  1. Nicole, this is so lovely. Thank you so so much!!

  2. Oh, what a wonderful feature! Sarah of afinedistraction is one of my very favorite artists, and I love the way you've showcased her work!

  3. What a great feature on a beautiful person with amazingly beautiful pieces! You have a nice blog!

  4. Lovely interview with a truly beautiful lady! Also great pics!

  5. You have excellent content on this blog.

    I just had to comment about this amazing complete bead book.

    I linked it here. This site has all kinds of beading resources.

    Enjoy everyone
