Friday, January 22, 2010

Handmade Christmas Presents Revealed

I have been meaning to post pictures of the gifts that I made for the girls for ages and today I am finally doing it. Here you see the alligator that I made for Victoria. He is big and squishy and turned out better than I thought. The colour work threw me at first but once I figured it out it was alot easier.

My only issue with this pattern is how short the tail is. I feel like I need to make another one just to redeem the tail. He is looking a little like a lizard who lost his tail. I would definitely add at least another 5 or so inches to his tail next time. I had visions of this being very long and tedious to seam together but it really wasnt that hard. I think because its knit mostly in Garter Stitch that makes it a quick seam up.

I apologize for this picture being on its side. Sometimes they do this when you load them up and I havent figured out how to fix it without having to go through a whole lot of trouble. This is a shot of his belly. Before I was questioning my choice in colours because I thought the eyes might get lost in the darker green but now I see there was nothing to worry about. Victoria was very surprised by her alligator and loves to give him big hugs.

Victoria finally got her little lamb that she had been asking me for and in the colours that she wanted. She had to be given without her little cardigan because I simply ran out of time. It has been started and will be given when finished. Victoria didnt seem to mind though.

Here she is from behind. Dont you just love her little tail. She was knit using some cotton yarn that I got from unraveling an old jumper of Megan's ages ago. She is a very eco friendly lamb.

Megan really loved this present. This is her lap table that I made. I really wanted to be able to take the black corners off but they were super glued down so I had to leave them on. She says she likes them on there anyway. This was made by getting a glass cutting board and hot gluing it to a pillow. I finally found the right size pillow that had a gusset and it turned out really well. This was my first time using a glue gun so Im sure if anyone else made this their gluing would be much neater than mine hehe.

Here is a lap shot so you can kind of get an idea of size. Im sure Megan will get alot of use out of it. We have discovered that I need to make one of these for Victoria because she likes to colour sitting on the lounge and is always looking for something to lean on.

This last present I made for Megan. She is into llamas at the moment especially white llamas. Dont ask me why hehe. My girls are not usually into the standard stuff. I printed out some photos that Megan and I took of a white llama on our zoo trip this summer. Megan is big into photography so I thought she might like some of her own photos to display. I found this frame for a bargain price of $2.50 so this was a cheap and easy present but she really really liked it. It just needs to get hung up.

All in all these were some successful handmade presents. They were fun to put together and hopefully will be enjoyed.

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