Friday, October 2, 2009

Favourite Etsy Shop Friday!

Favourite Etsy Shop Feature


1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
I was born and raised near Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. I now live in Southwestern Ontario, at the Canada/U.S. border. I was a Kindergarten teacher for many years, and now I do some volunteer work with children, run my business from home, and enjoy other hobbies when I have time! My husband is an artist and photographer, and my 2 adult children live in Toronto.

2. What made you open your shop and why Etsy?

I had always enjoyed sewing and quilting, and when I needed some storage for knitting needles and knitting projects I created some needle rolls and project bags. They were fun to make, and when I had created more than I could use myself, I decided to try selling them. I had seen Etsy features on blogs, and was impressed with the products available there. I hoped Etsy would be a good venue for my products, so I read all the help guides before taking the plunge and opening my shop in August 2007. When sales started taking off, I knew I needed to become a ‘real’ business. I was fortunate that it all worked out very well for me!

3. Other than Etsy, where else do you sell your items?

Recently I was a vendor at a show for knitters, and that was a lot of fun. I may do a couple of shows per year. Some contacts through Etsy have led to wholesale accounts in the U.S., Australia, and the U.K.

4. How did you choose your shop name?

I created a username that could reflect either sewing or knitting.

5. What are your favourite things to do?

My favourite things to do craft-wise are sewing, quilting, knitting, spinning, dyeing yarn and dyeing fabric. I also enjoy travel and spending time with family.

6. What inspires you?
The window of my sewing room looks out over our garden, and I am inspired by the colours of nature and the changing seasons. Inspiration also comes from the fabric. I am drawn to color, bold graphic design, and quality cotton fabric. I use many of the current popular designer fabrics, also cottons from Japan, and hand screen-printed fabric.

7. Of all the items you make for your shop, which do you enjoy making the most?

I enjoy making my Boxy Bags the most. Each fabric gives the bag a different look, so I always enjoy turning the finished bag right-side out to see the finished product.

8. Which is the most popular item you sell?

The Boxy Bag is the most popular. I have also made it in different sizes and proportions for custom orders.

9. What handmade possession do you cherish?

I love collecting work by local artists, such as pottery, but my most cherished possessions are paintings by my grandmother. She was a contemporary of the Canadian “Group of Seven”, and she died before I was born. We are lucky to have some of her work.

10. Name 3 other Etsy shops you love to visit.

Three other Etsy shops I like to visit are AuntyCookie (screen-printed fabric), Kallistiquilts (fabric from Japan), and WoollyFabulous (amazing felted wool creations).
Most of my Etsy favourites are fabric, yarn, and fibre sellers.

Thank you to ZigZagStitches for being my Favourite Etsy Shop Feature this week. I have purchased one of her Boxy Bags and let me tell you they are fabulous. I use it when I am making my knitted toys because it keeps all the pieces together and I dont have to worry about losing them. Every time I use it I think, I need to get more of these in many different sizes because they are just so handy. Not only handy but well made and beautiful at the same time. I love the fabrics that she uses. The colours are combined to perfection and its hard to decide which one I like the best. Take a look at this wonderful Etsy shop and see which item you like the best. I bet it will be hard to choose just one.

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