Friday, September 18, 2009

Favourite Etsy Shop Friday

Favourite Etsy Shop Feature

Kiley Koala

1. Tell us a bit about yourself?

I was born and raised in Southern California. I have moved around a bit in the last few years, but now live in Arizona and love it! I have an incredibly smart 4 year old son who inspires me everyday. I'm also taking classes to finish a design degree.

2. What made you open your shop and why Esty?

Since I could remember, I have always loved making and creating things. I have been told by friends and family that I should try and sell the stuff I make. So, that is how Kiley Koala was made. I actually found out about Etsy in a forum, looked it up, and signed up!

3. Other than Etsy, where else do you sell your oh so cute items?

So far I have only sold on Etsy. But I hope to start attending craft fairs and start up my own website.

4. How did you choose your shop name?

I have always loved koalas. My boyfriend gave me a Build a Bear koala for my birthday and named her Kiley... so Kiley Koala!

5. What are your other favorite things to do?

I love road trips and historical sites. I have fallen in love with Arizona's "Old West". I don't watch much TV, but never miss an episode of Ghost Hunters. I love doing pretty much anything with my family, even if it's just going out to eat.

6. What inspires you?

I think most of all my family. They are incredibly supportive and help me with my ideas. I also can't resist anything cute (especially cute fabrics) and love the beach and ocean. I also love any type of animal and hope to add more to my shop soon.

7. Of all the things you make for your shop, which do you enjoy making the most?

I think I enjoy making Kiley and Oliver the most. I love how they kind of come to life.

8. What is your most popular item?

I think Kiley, probably because she is so soft and cuddly!

9. Which handmade possession do you cherish?

My purple blanket. It was made for me by a family friend when I was a baby.

10. Name 3 other Etsy shops you love to visit.

Wow this one is hard. Etsy has so many talented artists. I think I have 220+ favorite stores.


Thank you to Kiley Koala for taking part in my blog feature this week. I just had to choose this shop from my favourites this week in honour of my sister Kylie's visit. We are Australian so the Koala part just fit right in as well and arent these the cutest koala's you've ever seen? How can there be so much cuteness in one shop. Go and see the other items in this shop. You'll be wishing you could reach out and feel their softness. If you read my blog often you will have noticed that I like the cute stuff.

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