Monday, August 10, 2009

Its Finally Finished

I finally finished the project that I have been working on and off for for about 4 years. Yep thats not a typo, 4 years. It is for my sister who will be here next week, YAY! I cant reveal in full what it is because its a surprise and she reads this blog.

I just took a few snippets of photos so you can see the colours and the lace. Its not completely finished yet because I have to weave in the ends and block it which will be an important part of making it look the way I want it to look.

This was not made from a pattern. I just found a lace design that I liked and kind of made it up from there. I will have to take a picture of Kylie with it when she receives it. Fingers crossed she will like it.

Megan and I went to a baby shower on the weekend for my hopefully one day sister in law. I made this blanket and these booties to go with the present. I bought a basket and I was trying to give her things that I found useful when I had my babies. We bought some Johnsons Lavender bath stuff and Johnsons Lavender bedtime lotion. These were magical in getting Victoria all ready for sleeping. We also got some Desitin. You cant get enough of that stuff.

We had a good time at the baby shower. I have never seen anyone get so many baby shower presents in my life. She was unwrapping for 1.5 hours. I hope they got it right when they said it was a girl because there was ALOT of pink going on. As of now the baby's name is going to be Lily May. This may change but we just cant wait to meet her. I get to look after her when the mum goes back to work next year so I will be Nanny Nicole. It should be fun.

While we were at the baby shower my husband was at home hard at work painting Victoria's wooden floor. Yes it seems like a crime to paint a wooden floor but the last people had splatter paint all over it anyway so I guess its ok. It is now all white and glossy. Of course we pick the most humid stormy weekend to do this and the floor is still drying. Victoria and all her belongings have been sleeping out in the dining room for the last couple of nights and it looks like it may be a couple more until its properly dried. Victoria is dying for it to be dried because when it is not only does she get her room back but we get to put together her brand new bed we picked up on the weekend. Her first big girl bed and she is overdue. She couldnt stretch her legs out in her old bed. It will be so exciting to put it all together and see how it looks and to get all this stuff out of the dining room. Yay for new beds.

I had to slip in a couple of pictures of our new toys. I picked these up the other day second hand. We love the old games. We had to sit down and play some pick up sticks that afternoon. Victoria was a little frustrated at first but once she saw that Megan and I had trouble to then it was fun. I tried to teach the girls dominoes but it has been many many years since I played. I think we are going to have to buy a new set with all the rules and stuff so we can play it right. I think this set it missing a few pieces. I have a general idea about the Jacks but that was really my sisters game. I think she will have to teach them when she comes. These ones are actually metal so that will last forever. The wooden yoyo is loved by Victoria. She does yoyo better than me and loves to practice. You've gotta love the old classic games. They've been around forever and they can still entertain each new generation even with all the gadgets they have these days. That just shows that sometimes the old stuff can be better than the new stuff.


  1. Beautiful, all of it is beautiful, especially the lace.

  2. Can't wait to see the full picture of your project!
    Lily May is such a beautiful name!
