Friday, May 29, 2009

I Dont Know Why Ive Been Gone So Long?

I dont know why I havent posted in a long time. Its not like I havent thought about it many times. The mood just wasnt there I guess. I apologize to anyone who kept checking in here and kept finding the same old stuff. I hate when that happens. I probably lost a few readers out of it as well. Oh well what can you do.

I posted a picture of the crocheted market bags that I gave to some people at Mops. I just finished one just like the blue/green/white one that you see in the photo to sell at Ryders Cup. I have also made a couple of dishcloths to sell there as well. I just missed handing them in today so that will have to be next week.

Here is a picture of the bunny pyjama bag that is now listed in my Etsy shop. One day I will have to do another dinosaur. He turned out so cute. When I think about making one of those it always stops with the thought of what yarn to use and what are two good dinosaur colours that would work. Thats as far as I get without coming up with a solution.

I thought I would throw in this picture of Victoria that I took when we were playing outside last week. Dont you just love her shirt. I know she does hehe. She is obsessed with everything rainbow. She got it from her big sister. She just happens to like all the stuff that Megan does. Isnt that the little sister way to be. Of course she is in complete denial about that hehe. A funny little story about Victoria that happened today. She likes to watch a channel called Noggin and in between the shows that have little snippets about a little cartoon town full of animals. In this show they have Garbage Bear. He comes to collect all their garbage. Since seeing this Victoria has always been excited when we go out to the bus on Friday morning and Garbage Bear has been to collect our garbage. Today the garbage man was collecting our garbage while we were waiting for the bus. Victoria got big eyes and a big smile watching this and squeal its Garbage Bear. She then says to me that he must love his job. I said who, the garbage man, why? She says because it just looks like so much fun hehe. I guess I just never thought of it that way. She is so silly.

This is my Meggy at her Track event. Apparently she is in between events here hehe. She finished up the track team about a week ago. I think she had fun. I think she just loves to be part of a team and challenging herself. She also just loves to be busy. Thats why we never see her. We have actually got to spend some time together since track ended because she's been home at the regular time. It made me realize how much I have missed just hanging out with her. Yep, I admit it, I enjoy hanging out with my teenager hehe. We have fun just doing anything and have the same whackiness about us.

I have been working on an Heirloom type knitted bear for the past few weeks on and off. Its actually suppose to be kind of a big bear but I am knitting her with 100% Superfine Alpaca yarn on size 1 needles which I think will make her about 8-10 inches when she is all sewn up. Aaahhh the seaming. This is why she isnt finished yet. I finished sewing all her peices, mind you there are a whopping 19 altogether. I hope I dont lose any. I block them last weekend and Im now contemplating all the seaming to finish her. I think my desire to see how she will look when she is all finished will make me sit down and slowly start piecing her together. I like to take my time with the seaming and make sure I get it right. I also only seam in the day time when there is better light. So maybe this weekend she will start coming together. One can only hope hehe.

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