Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Is Coming I Just Know It

These are the signs that show me Spring is coming. When you have the cold for so long sometimes its hard to believe that the warmth will ever come back. It is very exciting when you start noticing the changes that indicate we are nearly through the cold stuff. Victoria and I took a walk on Sunday around our neighbourhood because it was pretty warm and the snow was melting. These are my signs of spring. The tree up above is being tapped to make maple syrup. I found out living here there is a big difference between real maple syrup and pretend. My sister found out when she visited here too. She found out she cant handle the real stuff hehe.

Another sure sign of spring is all the robin's everywhere. This little guy decided our dusty car was a good place to hang out for a while. Soon these robin's will be all over our yard. Our backyard is apparently a great place for birds to find food. The robins always make me think of my mum and how I wish she could see them. Her name is Robyn so she is a big fan of the robin. I also love finding their cute little blue eggshells around.

The big fat grey squirrel has been hanging around alot finding all the nuts they buried in our backyard before winter. I really dont think he minds to much when I photograph him as long as I am quiet. I bet he feels like a superstar.

Here is the little red squirrel who is also finding his buried nuts in our yard. I love this little guy. He has some spunk. I once saw him chasing away the big fat grey squirrel so he could have prime position. This little guy is half his size so either the red squirrel is tough or the grey squirrel is a big wous.

These horses live around the corner from us. Doesnt it look like they set up this pose just for my photo. They stood like that for ages while I took photos and we chatted to them. They still have their thick coats on from winter but Im sure they are loving being outside in the sun.

Other than getting excited about the warm weather I have also been working on some projects not for Knitted For Ewe. I know I should be adding new stuff but these are projects I have been wanting to finish for a while and just got the urge to get them done. I am hoping to get photos of them today. I made a pair of mary jane booties and a hat for a lady at MOPS who is having a little girl, she already has a little boy so I made him a big brother monkey. I also finished off Victoria's Pippo monkey. This was the most important project of them all. Victoria has fallen in love with the monkey in the Tom & Pippo books and wanted one of her own. This week Pippo has been finished. She just loves him to pieces which I am so happy about. In the book Pippo wears these red and white striped overalls so on the weekend we found some red and white striped material for them. I now have to sit down and figure out how to make those. That should be interesting. I will try to get some photos taken of these projects today. Its kind of cloudy so I dont know how good they will turn out, should have done it yesterday.

Now that those projects are pretty much done I am at the beginning stages of a bunny pyjama bag for the shop. I figure its a good time to put it in the shop because Easter is coming and bunnies are popular this time of year. I have made this pattern quite a few times and its easy so it shouldnt take me too long.

Yesterday I got to do a little Etsy shopping. Its always a big event when I get to buy stuff on Etsy. My favourites list is ridiculously long and I always have a hard time choosing what I want. Joe is always laughing at me because it literally takes me hours to figure out what my final selection will be. I have to write notes and lists figuring out what I want the most and how much its going to be. Its a whole big process hehe. In the end I got a double pointed needle case which I really need. I need a bunch of needle cases for each style of needles I have so I thought I would start with the double pointed needles because they are the easiest to lose. I got this very cute monster knitting pattern which I cant wait to try out. I got a knitting needle gauge because I keep losing the other one I have and the one I have is really flimsy plastic. I got a very pretty business card wallet because its very embarassing having to keep my business cards in an old gum box in my bag. Not very professional but it makes the cards have a nice minty scent hehe. Finally I got this really pretty knitting bag that you can use for keeping your current projects in when you making small stuff. I will have to take photos when they all arrive which I hope is soon. I already got the monster pattern because they just email that to you. We really need a printer to print this stuff out.

Last week I made $20 when the lamb that I made for the coffee shop sold. That was exciting. My friend Joyce told me a man bought it. I am curious who he bought it for but I guess it doesnt matter hehe. I should be getting anything that hasnt sold back soon which will be nice because it will make it easy to add new stuff to the shop without much effort. Lots of stuff already made and ready to add.

Today is my 8 year wedding anniversary. Our anniversary is easy to remember being on St Patrick's Day and the day after my sister's anniversary. We always get excited about our anniversary because its the one day a year that Joe and I get to go out on our own without both the children. We always make it a point to go out somewhere for our anniversary. Every year we do it we say we should go out on a date more than once a year but it never really happens. We have planned out what we want to do but I have been slack in the organizing a babysitter and Im still working on that. Hopefully I will be able to find someone by this Saturday.

Well I guess I better get some stuff done today while its still nice and quiet in our house. Enjoy your St Patrick's Day.

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