Thursday, November 6, 2008

A New Book For Me

I just got this book in the mail from my Mum. It is a signed copy which is pretty fancy. My Mum found this blog and liked her stuff and the colours she uses. I have to agree. The blog is
Even if you dont sew her pictures are delightful to look at. If you would love to learn to sew then this is the book for you because it tells you absolutely everything you need to know. I sew a little bit and sometimes need some help so I am sure I will be referring to this book often. The projects are great too.

I made another listing today. Its for the baby monkey that I knit a while ago. He is so cute. I have to hide him from the girls so they dont steal him.

I have a couple of felted bags that are so close to being finished. I think I will have to sit down and finish them off so they will be able to be listed in the shop. I am now thinking that having this shop is a great motivator for finishing off projects. That will be exciting all on its own. We crafters tend to start many projects and not finish them. Its an issue that I am not alone in hehe.

One project that I do want to get started so that I can list them in my shop are some puppet mittens. Victoria has a pair that the yarn shop gave her and absolutely every time she wears them people gush over them and want some. I think I have figured out the pattern from looking at them and I want to make some. She has what she calls dragons but I would like to do lots of other animals. I think they could be really popular judging by what people say about hers. We shall see.

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