Sunday, November 16, 2008

Long Tasks Being Done

This past week I unravelled the knitted blanket that I bought second hand. It took me 4 days to get it all unravelled. In the end I now have 16 balls of cream yarn to do with whatever I want. Thats alot of cream yarn hehe.

I have also been working on transferring all my Etsy seller and item favourites from my Etsy username that I have been buying with for about 3 years now. I would just like to have all my Etsy stuff under the Knitted For Ewe name. It has become a very long process because I have alot of favourites. I cant help myself hehe. I am so close to being done and it will be worth it to only have to log in under one name.

If you look on the right side of my blog you will now see that I have created a little photo box of items that are for sale in Knitted For Ewe. I will make sure it stays updated so if your ever on here and your wondering what Im selling right now you just take a peek at the little thumbnail boxes and you are all up to date.

I listed my women's knitted socks the other day. The photos are of the socks that I knitted for myself. Let me tell you that I can vouch for these socks 100%. If I had more time I would own many many pairs especially with it getting colder and colder. Today would be nice to wear them because I just shovelled Joe out of the driveway and the snow is just about up to my knees. I have a feeling the girls wont have to go to school tomorrow. Megan is spending the night at her friends house because no one wants to drive on the roads to get her home. Im sure she is suffering hehe

I also listed a green felted bag that I finished lining yesterday. I wish I could keep this bag myself. Its so soft and I love the colours. The ceramic bird button is my favourite part. Its so smooth to touch. Oh well, I guess I cant keep it all. Selling it will be just as fun as well.

I am trying ever so hard not to start any new projects and finish off the other unfinished projects I have. I have to stop myself so many times not just pick up some new yarn and start a new idea spinning around my head. I tell myself that finishing the old stuff will help stock my shop and thats what keeps me going. Actually I am sewing on some handles of a cotton tote bag I have been working on that should be done by tomorrow so I am well on my way to finished items.

On Friday night we took Victoria to her first movie ever. We went to see Madagascar 2 which she has been dying to see. Megan saw it last week with a friend and her sister. We hadnt taken her to the movies before this because she has this thing with loud noises. She has gotten much better about loud noises these days so we thought we would try it. I think waiting until she was older has actually made her movie going experience more special. She was so so excited. She was just soaking up every little thing. She walks into the theatre and announces that when you go to the movies you must have popcorn so that is what she got. She was grinning from ear to ear and amazed by everything. She couldnt believe the size of the screen. She was a little worried about the movie not coming on because of all the previews but once it started she was good to go. She especially liked the seats because they kind of rock and she could bounce on them. So now she keeps telling us how much she loved going to the movies. I think there is no stopping her now. She is hooked hehe.

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