Thursday, October 16, 2008

Autumn In Sinclairville

This past weekend we had some beautiful weather. It was sunny and warm like summer but the leaves are all changing for Autumn. I took this opportunity to take a walk around our neighborhood and take some photos of all the beautiful colours. Of course I took alot more than these pictures and it was very hard to choose which ones to put on here. Can you believe the brilliant colour of those leaves in the first photo. Everywhere around you are the smells of Autumn. The wood fires, the leaves and the faint smell of apples. It makes you want to be able to bottle it all up and keep it forever.
Sadly all these beautiful colours dont last long around here. In a couple of weeks all the trees will be 'naked' and getting ready for the snow. So we try to soak it all in and wait patiently for it to arrive next year.

I took this shot above while looking up at a huge tree covered in orange leaves. It feels like standing under a big orange umbrella.

These trees line the creek that is at the end of our street. What a view.

This bush is sitting in someones backyard surrounded by green grass and trees. It stood out so much with its wonderful red leaves that I just have to stop and take a photo.

This is one of my favourite photos. The way the light hits this tree and the way this shot shows off the height and brilliance of it all.

I took a ton of photos of Victoria playing in the leaves even though people drove past looking at us strangely hehe. This was one of my favourite one. Cant you just see the delight on her face as she tosses them in the air. Victoria had to come along with me on my walk. She brought along her pretend phone that makes a camera noise when you press one of the buttons. She was taken photos of everything. I think we need to get this girl one of those little kids digital cameras. I would love to see it all from her point of view. I think it would be interesting.

This last photo is of our beloved Maple St. Isnt it cute? I hope you enjoyed a little peak into Autumn In Sinclairville.

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