Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Lamb And A Bear

Here is what I have been working on the past couple of weeks. The little lamby guy was knitted for the Falconer Yarn Loft in the wool that was given to me by the owner. I used Fuzzy Mittens pattern and changed up the Fuzzy Mitten cardigan pattern to look a little more boy like. He is very cute and just loves to hang out with his bear friends.

Here is the little lamby with is butt shot. You can see his wee tail poking out the bottom of his cardigan.

This bear is also for the Falconer Yarn Loft. Her name is Heidi and her pattern came from the book called The Knitted Teddy Bear. This is the trickiest knitted toy pattern I have done so far. She turned out better than I hoped she would especially with all the freaking out I was doing during the seaming up part where everything can go horribly wrong hehe. The biggest thing I would like to be better at is the noses.

Here is Heidi's butt shot. She is very modest with her little pink dress on. These guys were delivered on Saturday and were much loved. Now if only one of them would sell, that would be even greater hehe.

Here is a photo of me and my Meggy taken a couple of weeks ago. Arent we cute together? Its kind of rare for us to have our photo taken together because we both hate our pictures being taken but this one turned out pretty well so Im willing to share it hehe.

If you've been checking Knitted For Ewe for items up for sale then I apologize for the wait. I want to make sure I have everything together before listing everything such as business cards and tags and such. We are getting the girls stuff ready for school next week so I just have to wait a little longer to get all that organized. In the mean time I have been working on a new bag this week. Its a kind of seafoam green and its a little different from what I normally do. It has tree and leaf shapes knitted into it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it felts up the way that I want it too. I just have one side and the bottom to knit, it will need seaming up and then off to be felted it goes. I am using wool from a jumper that I unravelled quite a while ago. I think I may even have enough to make a second bag with this wool so it was worth all that unravelling. Its a very nice colour. The lime green bag is just waiting for me to do the lining and its ready to go. It will be a miracle to have a bag that is fully finished with designs and everything. I will definitely have to post pictures of that one.

I mentioned the girls going back to school next week briefly before but its so exciting I need to mention it again. The last two weeks of summer holidays they get bored and when they get bored they like to argue for no reason more than usual. The peace and quiet will be golden. After the first week back Victoria will be on full days at Kindergarten. I say now that the silence will be nice Im starting to think Im going to miss having that crazy girl around so much. I hope she adjusts to being away from home so much.

Last week Megan tried out for her schools Junior Varsity Girls Soccer team. After going all week to tryouts at 8am she found out on Friday that she made the team. This is exciting because she is not even in 9th grade yet and she made the team. Now she has 8am to 10am practices every weekday until school starts. Sounds like fun doesnt it. I have no idea how the schedule will work once school starts. Hopefully not too bad. She's just excited about being chosen.

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