Thursday, June 26, 2008

Birthdays Galore

Well my baby is now 5 years old. Its still hard to believe. She had a great birthday with lots of Spiderman all over the place. It rained for about 2 hours before her party at the park so I had to call everyone all tell them even though it was raining we were still having it at the park. With all the luck in the world as soon as the party started the rained stopped and the sun came out. The older girls had fun drying all the park equipment with towels and all the kids ran around like crazy having fun.

This picture below is Victoria opening a talking Spiderman card that she got from her aunt that calls says happy birthday superhero with all this clapping and cheering. Can you tell that she really liked that and that we have heard it many many times since that day hehe.

Here is a photo of Victoria's reaction when she opened up her 3 Spiderman DVD movie set that we gave her for her birthday. She has since watched the 3rd Spiderman movie which she hadnt seen yet and deemed it just as great as the other ones.

I too had my birthday. Its was this past Tuesday the 24th. I am now 32 years old. I keep getting harassed that I am now old but I dont care about getting older. It doesnt bother me. My husband is another story. He will be 32 next month and is dreading it hehe. I got lots of cool gifts for my birthday but I thought I would just show knitting related gifts right now seeing how this is a knitting blog.
This first photo is of my bear that I have been waiting to pay off for ages. He wasnt really a birthday present but we paid him off last weekend close to my birthday so he kind of feels like one. Isnt he cute? The lady that made him turned out to be at the yarn shop when I went to pick him up which was really cool because I had never met her before. She was telling me that this bear is now special because the alpaca that yarn came from has since passed away and she wont be able to spin anymore yarn from his wool which she use to use all the time. So not only is he made from handspun alpaca but special handspun alpaca. I just love his little belly button, dont you?

My mummy sent me these two knitting books for my birthday. I have learnt all sorts of new felting techniques that I had never even seen before from looking at the felting book. It gives me so many interesting ideas for the future. The other book has all these little sayings and thoughts about knitting and a knitters lifestyle which I can totally relate to most of them so its a good giggle.

The felting book came in this special bag tied up with ribbon. I was very excited and surprised to learn that my mum had knitted the bag to put the book in and even took the flower pattern from the book that is inside it. I have a feeling this is the first knitting my mum has done in a long time. I dont know if she knows how much more it means to me to have the book in something that she knitted. She is the one who taught me how to knit and probably the reason for my being obsessed with crafting and creating my whole life.

This last picture is the dragon pyjama bag that I have been working on. When I took this photo I thought that he was all done only to realize that I have forgotten to add his little fork tongue. After a trip to the craft shop with my friend who ordered the pyjama bag we decided after they were all out of red felt that his tongue is going to be made from red ribbon. So all I have to do is cut out the fork tongue shape and make sure its stitched on very tightly. I have a feeling it will be played with alot. I will have to take a second shot with his little tongue. I finally got the wings done for this dragon after attempting it about 3,000 times. They still didnt come out the design I wanted but I have decided that this is as good as its going to get right now. Do you think they look like wings?

After getting my bear last weekend I was feeling inspired to knit some more toys. There is a free pattern by Fuzzy Mitten for a lamb that I have been wanting to try for ages so I am knee deep in lamb parts at the moment. He is actually all knitted up and I am up to the freaking out part of sewing him together. Fuzzy Mitten have these fabulous patterns for clothes to fit the knitted toys so I think I will have to get one because this little guy needs a jacket. I bought one of her patterns a long time ago and still havent knitted it up yet. Its a bear with a cardigan. I think I am going to have to attempt him after having so much fun with this pattern. I just found out that Victoria's new teacher collects teddy bears like me so I think she will have to get one. I have found the perfect yarn for knitting up toys. Its Lion Brand Vanna's Choice yarn. They colours are all so beautiful. That is what the lamb is being made with. I could see myself going crazy with that yarn and making all sorts of things. Its really cheap too. The lady that designs the patterns for Fuzzy Mitten is a really nice lady because she doesnt care if you sell the toys you make from her patterns and just requests that you mention her as the designer when you label the toy. I think thats just great.

I am getting closer to setting up my Etsy shop. My husband asked me tonight how much I need to set it up so I have been sitting down and figuring out what I want to get started. Another big thing I have to do is decide on the shop name, tag line and the look I want so I can order my banner, avatar and business cards. I think I have to get a notebook this weekend especially devoted to my shop to write all this stuff in and plan it all out. Its kind of exciting and scary to even think about. Its like a big step into the pond.

1 comment:

  1. I think the dragons wings will take on even more of a winged effect when he has jarmies in him.
