Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Bunch Of Projects

Today I finished knitting the green bag that I have been planning on making for a long time. I unraveled the woolen jumper a while ago and hadnt got around to using the yarn yet. Suddenly I got an urge to knit it. It is not felted yet. I think I will try to get that done tomorrow so its still in its pre-shrinking stage. Once its all felted, shaped and dried, I will have to try and order the fancy ceramic button that I want to get made for it that has a blue bird on it. I am then going to get some felt or embroider and larger version of the bird in the bottom corner of the bag. This is the plan anyway. When I am making bags the plan changes many times before its finished.

I am working on a gift for a lady that I know at MOPS who is having a baby boy in a few months. She is also Megan's adopt-a-teen mum from church and is always doing nice things for Megan so I think its time we did something nice back. She also has two other sons with the oldest one being nearly 4. I have decided to do a fleece blanket for the baby and each brother is going to get a monkey. The monkeys are light blue and dark blue with the colours being reversed for each one so they will know which one belongs to which boy. They are kind of big brother presents. This is the first monkey made and the second monkey is all knitted its just waiting to be stuffed and sewed together. Once that is done I will be able to work on the blanket. I am planning to give it to her at the next MOPS meeting which is on May 7th. I think I have plenty of time. I have embroidered the eyes on these monkeys because the boys are so little. I definitely prefer them with button eyes though.

Of course you have to have the monkey butt shot.

My friend Natalie had her birthday a couple of weeks ago so I decided to make her a shawl for her birthday. She has seen me make them many time for other people and I always got the feeling that she really wanted one too but just never said anything. She really likes purple and Megan helped me pick the right purple to make it in. It only took me about 3 days to make so it was a quick and easy project. It was definitely worth it because she just loved it and said the colour was just perfect. Thats the best part about making things for people or doing custom orders, the look on their face when they really love and appreciate what you have made. I think thats my favourite part of doing crafts and creating things, is that one moment when people receive what you have made and it makes them smile.

This is just a small project that I did last week. Megan's girl scout troop were putting together a basket as a thank you to one of the program directors. We had a meeting where they girls made candles, soaps, shower gel and bath salts to put in the basket. It was an interesting meeting hehe. I made this cotton washcloth as my contribution to the basket. In all the projects I have done I have never made a washcloth. It was kind of fun. I think I will have to make them again. Its always nice to work with cotton especially in the warmer months. As you are knitting with it, it tends to get softer the more you handle it.

I have also been busy working on the Summer Reading Program for the library. I cant believe I agreed to do it again after all my freaking out last year but I have realized after doing it last year it seems a little easier this time around. The theme this year is Catch The Reading Bug so everything will be all about bugs. My partner is the same lady I had last year. We enjoyed working together and I think we are a good pair. We are doing the kids going into Preschool and Kindergarten which means Victoria is in my group and my partners granddaughter is as well. Having the bug theme has made things alot easier as well as there are so many cute ideas that we can come up with its just a matter of which ones to do. We have figured out our 5 week plan and what we will do each week we just have to fine tune it. The 6th week is the big finale so we dont have to have a plan for that day. Megan is going to be a teen helper. She will be helping with the 5th graders. I think its going to be fun.

We just got a note home today about Victoria's class taking a trip to the zoo in May. I am so excited about this because Victoria has never been to the zoo even though every summer I have said I want to go to the zoo and we just havent done it. I get to go along too so we will have a blast. I have went on this trip with Megan when she was in Kindergarten and 1st grade and we had a great time. I will definitely be charging up all batteries and have my camera ready for that day. Its going to be so fun to see Victoria's reaction when she sees these animals in person. I really hope the weather is nice that day. We will make the best of it no matter what I think. We will have to bring some money for the gift shop that day because will definitely want to bring something home.

Megan got a letter home from school the other day saying that she has been nominated for this Maths and Science Scholar Program in the summer. All we have to do is send in the application by the middle of May and wait to hear back. I just got the application today so we shall see how that goes. From what I have read they will go to a local college and stay in some dorm rooms for 5 days. They will be learning all this Hi Tech Maths and Science stuff and it will be kind of like going to college. Her really good friend who is also super smart got nominated as well so hopefully they will both get to go so she will have someone she knows. Only a handful of kids get the opportunity to do this so its really exciting. The best part about it all is its FREE! My only hope is that its not on at the same time as her girl scout camp. That would really suck to have to choose. I will have to find out when thats on.

Well thats all I can think of that has been going on at the moment. Hopefully the computer wont go crazy again and there wont be such a big gap in posts next time. Apparently when I dont write a post my sister thinks something has happened to me as she mentioned in her phone call last night. This is my family's way of finding out what we are up to on the other side of the world.

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