Monday, March 3, 2008

Its Monday!

I couldnt think of a title for this post so it just is what it is hehe.

We finally got to pick up Megan's snazzy new chair. Well its not really new but its new to her. I forgot to get some upholstery cleaner while we were out shopping so it will have to be on the top of my list this week. I vaccumed it all out and sprayed Frebreeze on it so it smelled pretty. There are just a few spots that need to be cleaned but I would love to get it as fancy looking as possible. Now it just needs a cushion and I feel and cozy throw blanket to snuggle up with. I suggested to Megan that she needs a little side table to put her hot chocolate on to sip while reading or playing with her new toy that she got this past weekend. We were going to get Megan an Ipod alarm clock for her Honour Roll achievements last school year but her dad bought her a new alarm clock. Joe came up with the idea to get her a Nintendo DS which she has wanted forever so this is what she got. It is black and red with a cool little accessory kit. She pick a Zelda game to go with it and now she is hooked. She is having so much fun with it and it plays all her old games from her Gameboy which is good. Yes, yes we are a little late on the last school years present but she always eventually gets it. The rule is, if she makes Honour Roll all 4 terms in the school year then she gets a reward.

This shot is the prayer shawl that Im making for my friend. This was taken today, so as you can see I havent got very far yet. I better get cracking. I love the softness and the colour of it. I am going to block it when its all done to open up the mesh and it will have tassles along the short ends.

I guess my feeling of needing to finish off old projects is over because I have been starting new projects all over the place. Its kind of annoying but crafting people will understand this when I say that I just cant help myself. You get so excited about all these different projects its hard to stick to just one project. I found this pattern online last week and thought it was so cute.
I had this idea to make 12 of these little Bunny Egg Cozies, one for each kid in Victoria's class and buy one of those carton of dozen chocolate eggs and put the little cozies on top of each one. I bought some white cotton yarn and just started going to town making bunnies hehe. I am nearly finished the 9th bunny. I am knitting them all first and then I am going to embroider their faces on because that wont take very long. The boys will have blue faces and the girls will have pink faces. I dont know if this is total dorky but Im having fun making them hehe. I can just see Victoria wanting one as well hehe. I will take a photo of them when they are all done because I think it will be such a cute shot of 12 little bunny heads all together. They dont take very long to make. I think it takes me longer to weave in the ends than it does to knit them.

I am excited this week because we have Mops and its going to be Spa Day. They are going to have prizes, a masseuse, a hairdresser and ladies with candles and lotions. We have having all sorts of fondue for snack as well. Last year at Spa Day I won the 1 hour massage so who knows what will happen this year. Yay to Mops Spa Day!

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