Thursday, February 14, 2008

Works In Progress

So Im still working on the knitting bag and the bear. The knitting bag has kind of hit a wall though. I cut the plastic canvas into the pieces I needed and stitched them together to make the box shape. I sewed the plastic canvas box into the bag. The side looked floppy so if you look on the right I experimented with stuffing it before sewing the sides. I dont like how the stuffing turned out. I didnt even do the other side. I didnt finished sewing around all the sides because it bothers me how its turning out. I think I am going to undo all the box and take it out of the bag. It is sort of making the shape that I want but I dont like the weight of the plastic canvas and I dont like how even when I line the bag I will probably be able to feel the plastic canvas. If I pad the plastic canvas it will add even more weight just to solve something I dont like. I think the plastic canvas will work for other bags that wont require so much of it, such as just making the bottom stronger but I dont think it works for this bag. Tomorrow we are going shopping and I am going to go to the craft shop searching for something that will work better. A stiff interfacing that I can double up or perhaps my foam idea will work. There has to be something out there. So this is how the bag is looking right now until I come up with a solution.

This is the inside of the bag with the plastic canvas in it. When I cut the shape I also dont think I cut it wide enough because I wanted it to fit tighter in the bag on the sides and ends. So this will be something to keep in mind with the next thing I try.

This is what Horace looks like at the moment. All his pieces are pretty much done. I think I just have one ear left to knit and then I can start piecing him together. Some of the pieces, well actually all the pieces are strangely shaped so it will be interesting to see him come together. I will also be looking for plastic pellets and eyes while craft shopping this weekend so Horace can come together and be finished.

It finally warmed up around here a bit today. The sun was shining and the snow was sparkling. Victoria had fun throwing snowballs while waiting for the bus to pick her up for school.

Today is Valentines day so the girls had lots of fun getting stuff from their friends. We gave them their stuff early so they are still enjoying their gift from us. This was Victoria's first year of having Valentines Day at school. She had fun putting her name on a bunch of little cards to give her classmates. She got annoyed at me at home after school because we just handed out cards while most of her classmates handed out treats and she felt we should have done the same. I guess we cant win hehe. Megan came home with a bunch of stuff from her friend Brittany. The inseperable two. You wouldnt believe the big gift bag of things that she gave her. Megan gave her some stuff too but not like this. She was very excited. I got a big heart shape box of chocolates from Joe when the girls got their things a couple of weeks ago and we are going to a surprise place for dinner tomorrow night. Victoria will be with us, Megan is off to a friends house of course but I am dying to know where this secret place is going to be. I am giving Joe a super massage on the weekend which is always a good present for him hehe.

On Wednesday we went up the road to Samaritan House and put a $5 deposit on Megan's orange velvet chair. I wanted to get that done so that no one could come and take it. I feel better now that all we have to do is pay it off. Megan is too. Victoria is excited that she will be getting Megans pink chair. Now I just have to do a big clean out of Victoria's room to make a space for the chair. I cant wait until she gets Megans organizer so we can get her room looking neater.

Megan's dad arrived in America this week. He is here until April so at some point they are coming to visit. Megan told him that she has the week off school next week so they are talking about maybe coming then. We will have to see what happens. She is very excited. It will be very weird seeing them together. She is nervous about being with just him because she doesnt know what to talk about. I told her that she has to just deal with the awkwardness at first and the more time they spend together the easier it will get.

Well I guess thats about all I have to say. I have my fingers crossed the I will be able to solve my bag issues with one trip to the craft shop. Here's hoping.

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