Friday, February 22, 2008

Things Are Going Good Here

Things are going well with Megan's dad visiting. The first day we just hung out here and caught him up on all the school videos and photos we had taken over the years. We showed him around our little town and he thought he was going to freeze to death in the 16 degree F weather we had yesterday. He was anxious for it to snow because he has never seen it snowing. This morning he got his wish and was very excited. Megan left this morning to spend her time with him and stay at the hotel. I talked to her tonight and they are having a grand old time just giggling together. Megan took some board games with her and is having fun whooping his butt in everything hehe. You cant wipe the cheshire cat grin off their faces which is sooo cute to see. It is so nice that so far all my panicking and anxiety was all just head games and its has just been a nice much needed visit. I am hoping everything else goes this well. Tomorrow they may be going to the movies and we are meeting up with them in the evening to go out to dinner. I dont think I took enough photos yesterday and plan on being photo crazy with these two every chance I get from now on. This is an opportunity I dont want to waste.
Here are some photos of them together. Victoria had to jump in on one because she has decided she really likes Megan's dad as well. She thinks he is really fun. He played ball, coloured with her and she even sat on his lap for a while hehe.

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