Friday, January 18, 2008

Some Favourite Gifts And A Headless Bear

Well we all survived the sickness of last week and everyone is back to normal. Yay, sometimes when everyone is sick like that it feels like its never going to end.

I thought I would post some photos of favourite Christmas presents I got this past holiday. They arent in any particular order.
This Knitted Flowers book came from my mum. There are lots of cool flowers in here. There's something for every kind of knitter. There are easy flowers, difficult flowers, flowers you can felt and even flowers to make from felted knitting that you just cut out. Im sure I will have to make something from this book to add to future projects. The felted flowers in particular I am anxious to try out.

This necklace came from my lovely sister. I have worn it many times since getting it. The beads are fun to fiddle with when you are wearing it. You cant even help yourself. I think its the textures and they are very slidey if thats even a word hehe. Thanks big sis for the cool necklace.

These are the pointy toe black leather boots that I got from my husband. It took me a while to get use to the heel on these boots because I usually wear chunky heel boots. I think I have the hang of it now although now I have said this I will probably fall on my butt the next time I wear them. These are alot more comfortable than I thought they would be and look really good with jeans.

This is my knitting pattern calendar that I got from my husband. This is where I got the pattern for the knitted rings. There are alot more patterns that I'd like to try in here. I still have my knitting pattern calendar from last year with lots of patterns I like in that one too. Aahhh so many patterns and not enough hours in the day.

I got this big box of yummy hot chocolate from Megan. It has 28 packets of this hot chocolate we discovered last year. Isnt the bear on this box just the cutest. Doesnt he make you want to drink his hot chocolate? I know that why we first started drinking it hehe. This hot chocolate came in very handy last week when I had a sore throat. It hit the spot just right when I needed it most. Thanks Meggy for the cool pressie.

Now I promised a headless bear and here he is. I am knitting this bear to take to the yarn shop as soon as he is done. The pattern came from the Debbie Bliss Simply Baby book I borrowed from the library. I think I am going to have to copy this pattern before sending the book back because its been fun making it and I can see myself making more of these. There are two reasons this bear is headless right now. One reason is that when I was sewing up his parts the other day I discovered that I had somehow made one ear smaller than the other. I will now have to figure out which is the right one and detach the wrong one and reknit it otherwise it will drive me crazy that one ear is smaller. The other reason he is headless is because I need to buy some brown felt to cut out a nose and some eyes and sew them on. I like to sew the facial features on before adding the head because I find it easier to finish off and hide the ends. I wont be able to get the felt until probably next week so this little guy will have to be headless for one more week before he looks all cute. He was knitted using the mint green wool that I had used for the bag I tried to felt and then discovered this wool doesnt felt. I think I like it much better as a bear. I still have a pretty big chunk of this yarn left over so I can make something else with it. I will have to post of picture of the bear when he has a face and head attached.

I got a call the other day that my bear that I ordered a long time ago from the Falconer Yarn Loft from handspun alpaca yarn is all finished. Now I just have to pay him off. I am so excited to see how he looks. It will be even more exciting to bring him home. I have to get my shelves that I am going to use for all my yarn, bears and knick knacks so I can display all this stuff and my new bear will have a cool spot to sit. I guess these things come with time. Another good reason to get my Etsy shop up and running to try and make money for this stuff hehe.

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