Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yeah I Know, Ive Been Slack

A thousand times I have thought to write on her and havent. Perhaps its all this chilly weather we have been having that makes me want to curl up in a snuggly blanket and not do much. We keep getting weather advisories for bad weather coming but it never gets as bad as they say. One day they will get it right.

Let's see what have I been up to. I think the last time I wrote on her it was close to Thanksgiving. What can you say about Thanksgiving. The food was yummy. I can say that. Joe's dad was very erratic in his moods. One minute he was being all sweet and nice and the next minute he was screaming at children. When we ate dinner he turned the tv off and wouldnt allow any music so we were all sitting there in silence. It was really weird. You could just hear everyones cutlery and chewing. Lindsay, James, Joe and I were trying not to laugh at the end of our table. This was the first Thanksgiving without Joe's mum around so a big difference this year was that before we had even left he was putting on his shoes and getting ready to go visit his girlfriend or one of his girlfriends. We took the hint and went home. We are definitely going to have the family over to our house for Christmas. We dont want to go through that again. Oh one thing was good. I made some of my mums butterscotch popcorn to bring over and everyone loves it. They couldnt get enough. James said I can give him a bucket of that for Christmas and he would be happy.

Knitting wise I have been working on a couple of orders that I got. Yesterday I finished up the mittens for Joe's Grandma. I hope she really likes them. Its pretty chilly so I think she will be over to pick them up pretty soon hehe. I also got an order from the knitted things that I have on Louella's Goodies website. Its just for a baby hat and matching booties but its still an order. The booties are made and Im almost done with the hat. The hat is taking me longer than usual because I am using teeny tiny size 2 double pointed needles to knit them. Once those are done I have Christmas present knitting to do and try to get a bear made for the yarn shop. I am making Victoria's teacher a scarf and giving her the first felted tote I made. Im thinking about putting an apple on it but I dont know if thats too cliche. She is kind of young. Maybe I will put an M on it because her first name starts with an M. I want to knit Victoria's bus driver some fingerless mittens so she can keep her hands warm while driving in this cold weather. I am thinking as well as the fleece blankets that I am making the girls, I am going to make them some socks. Victoria just loves her pink socks that I knit her and I think Megan would love another pair to wear to bed. I was also thinking of making Lindsay a scarf in the extremely soft light blue yarn that Walmart is trying to get rid of. If they have 2 balls of it left in that colour when we go shopping then Im going to make it for her. That girl is always cold. One day I would like to make her a big fuzzy blanket because she needs one hehe.

We are almost done with our Christmas decorating. For those of you who dont know, my husband is Christmas Crazy!! We call him Christmas Elf Joe. He has more Christmas CDs than anyone I have ever known and when we decorate we dont just put up a tree. Its an all out effort but it looks pretty in the end. There are lights all around the celing, things on the walls and shelves and since we moved to our new house, lights outside as well. I will have to take pictures once the extravaganza is completed. Every year Joe and I take turns on picking the lights and tinsel that go on the tree and the lights around the room. This year was my turn. I chose to have clear lights and very sparkly gold tinsel on the tree, multi coloured lights with sparkly white tinsel around the loungeroom and the red/green lights with silver tinsel in the dining room. Its all very shiny. Christmas is always fun with Joe around. He makes you want to be in the Christmas spirit.

Well I guess I better get going. I have some aprons I am suppose to be cutting out right now for the Girl Scout Troop. I promise the next post will have pictures and be written within this week.
I hope everyone is getting into the Christmas craziness like we are.

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